Mahatma Letter to H. P. Blavatsky - MHM No. 20

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Written by: Koot Hoomi
Received by: H. P. Blavatsky
Sent via: unknown
Written on: unknown
Received on: unknown
Other dates: unknown 
Sent from: unknown
Received at: unknown
Via: unknown

This letter is Letter No. 20 in Mrs. Holloway and the Mahatmas. Mahatma Koot Hoomi advisesH. P. Blavatsky about the chelaship of Laura C. Holloway.

Page 1 transcription, image, and notes

To Upasika!

You will tell L.C.H. the following - you may even leave with her the present.

Djual Khool is not allowed to correspond with female chelas. You will explain to her why. Her name not having been submitted as yet to [symbol] is another reason why as young Chow-den-da should have no dealing unless expressly ordered, with one of her sex.

But I have read her letter & the impressions in their collectivity I receive from it, may be summed up as follows:

* The Individuality can have - and desire to deal with - asks us under compulsion of the feminine Personality known as L.C.H.

1. Will you teach me by correspondence?
2. Will you make a book for me?
3. Have I been compelled to advance theosophically or have I done it myself?
4. Can a person earn a living & still be a novice?
5. Can I write a novel with your help?
6. Can my case be made an exception & and my term of probation shortened?
7. Will you help me pay off a debt under a "solemn promise"[or contract] that I shall then go to India?
8. What are my chances of chelaship, and can you accept me before returning to America?
9. Will you help me write a poem?


Her strong individuality was dormant when writing these questions, & I repeat them so that the questioner may realise how much of note-paper may be made to contain, when the woman-child, nervous & restless, impatient & as diffident of herself as she if of others – was left to herself to pen them. The whole of the (personality) is there. Is she had really assimilated the occult teaching actually given her by thro’ various channels since the beginning of her development – hardly one of these would have been asked. She would have taken to heart the oft repeated friendly warning, that until she calms her nature, masters her impulses, breaks down the barrier of doubt which exists between her 6th &5th principles & so opens the channel for self-inspiration [which was so fully opened in her Preface & that she mistook for an outside influence – the bonds between her and those who would but too gladly be her teachers & helpers cannot be made closer or stronger. Yes; most assuredly; if there were no such "Individuality" in her, with its clear remembrance of a previous birth, and its standard its one affection in it for you, whom even her Personality seems at times to recognize – yes we might do all this and much more.. If we wished to paralyze her Personality & use her as an unconscious medium we might make her write books she would not be the author of, & poems that were not her inspiration. Were we indifferent to the law of Karma, and her next rebirth in which the feeble woman of today may bud out into the strong adept of yore returning from his exile & self inflicted punishment – we might also cause her like another [symbol] to make money, sell her books and live from January to December by magic. Such is the system of Ban-chhen Rin-Po-Chhis – never of those who teach the holy Bas-pa-Dharma. None of these things will happen. Her own meritorious actions must fill her with untaught wisdom – as in her present work – LCH must herself tread the stormy way and she will not get the smallest help, now or ever that she has not or does not deserve; nor have the least exception made for her spiritual profit to the general, immutable Law of Cause & Effect. The sooner our probationary chelas realize this the speedier will be their progress. Equally she may be absolutely certain that that she will get help & counsel always & and to the full extent that she has merited them. Why will she not digest as well as devour occult truths? I see a reflection in her personal brain, a dark spark fanned into active existence by late associations, that was latent in her heretofore. Let this nature child beware lest it increases. The film of selfishness is then as yet indeed, owing to the inherent purity of her nature. Let her not permit it to become even apparent for it may her personality being so sensitive that it painfully reflects and unknown to her the shortcomings of those with whom she associates. Has she assimilated all that can be extracted from Mohini's teachings and does she need external help as those who ask her for it? Or is truth no truth save it is first reveled to one?

She has grown much since the Brooklyn days but her growth is a question between herself and us and we will reveal it to none – to work and profit by. She will understand my meaning. Either she is, or is not our chela. If determined to be and remain one, she can no longer give herself up even as a conscious medium – a partly grown psychic vine for others to pluck mildewed grapes from, to her loss, and to be made into wine served to the public for its delectation. Her books shall have to explain &to correct the mistakes of Esot. Bud. and others in preparation. If she had not torn away from these fatal circumstances she would have slipped rapidly down the abyss to her death. She was helped so far only that circumstances as favourable to the development of an already felt attraction were

come. As for her "regular & accepted chelaship" it will come when she is ready. No one of us was ever permitted to know the time, least of all to dictate time, place, or circumstances, as to the beginning or conclusion of our chelaship. There is but one Law for all. Let her forget if she can that she is L.C.H., to think of herself only as a slave to duty, as we are, the path of which is revealed by the Atma. Let her ask nothing but the privilege of showing what she can do unaided and how much she can deserve. “The gods help the self-helpful”. Our golden word of counsel: Try.




  • Ban-chhen Rin-Po-Chhis is a Tibetan Buddhist system.
  • Bas-pa-Dharma is the secret dharma or doctrine.

Context and background

Physical description of letter

The original consists of six pages in the familiar blue handwriting of Master K. H. The location of the original of this letter is in The Winterthur Library, Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera, Materials on Theosophy, in Winterthur, Delaware.

Publication history

This letter was was never published before its inclusion in Mrs. Holloway and the Mahatmas.

Commentary about this letter

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