Property:HPB Gem text

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Adepts are rare as the blossom of the Udumbara tree.  +
Alas! We reap what seed we sow; the hands that smite us are our own.  +
All action ends in destruction; death is certain for whatever is born; everything in this world is transient.  +
All good fortune belongs to him of contented mind. Is not the whole earth leather-covered for him who wears shoes?  +
All has an end, and will away. Truth alone is immortal, and lives for ever.  +
All life is but a perpetual promise; an engagement renewed, but never fulfilled.  +
All our dignity consists in thought, therefore let us contrive to think well; for that is the principle of morals.  +
All the air resounds with the presence of spirit and spiritual laws.  +
Ambrosia may be extracted even from poison; elegant speech even from a fool; virtue even from an enemy; and gold from dross.  +
Amuse not thyself at the expense of those who depend on thee. Mock not a venerable man, for he is thy superior.  +
An act may seem right, but it is by its results that its purpose is shown.  +
An easy temper is a good counsellor, and a pleasant tongue is an excellent leader.  +
An evil deed does not turn on a sudden like curdling milk; it is like fire smoldering in the ashes, which burns the fool.  +
An evil deed kills not instantly, as does a sword, but it follows the evil-doer into his next and still next rebirth.  +
And if the gods are not, or take no care of mortals – why, then, a world without gods is not worth a man's while to live in.  +
As a man digging comes to water, so a zealous student attains unto knowledge.  +
As a person having seen one in a dream, recognizes him afterwards; so does one who has achieved proper concentration of mind perceive the SELF.  +
As a sower gets not his harvest if he sow seed in salt soil, so the giver gets no fruit by bestowing on the unworthy.  +
As all earthen vessels made by the potter end in being broken, so is the life of mortals.  +
As large as is the unbounded Universe,<br> So large that little, hidden Spirit is!<br> The Heavens and Earths are in it! Fire and air,<br> And sun and moon and stars; darkness and light,<br> It comprehends! Whatever maketh Man,<br> The present of him, and the past of him,<br> And what shall be of him; – all thoughts and things<br> Lie folded in the eternal vast of It!  +