Property:HPB Gem text

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
One proof is better than ten arguments.  +
Our life is the ante-room of the palace where our true treasure lies – immortality.  +
Pagodas are measured by their shadows, and great men by their enviers.  +
Patience leads to power, but lust leads to loss.  +
Patience leads to power; but eagerness in greed leads to loss.  +
People talk of the Devil. Every man has seen him; he is in every sinful heart.  +
Pervert not the heart of a man who is pure, for he will turn thine own first enemy.  +
Poor transitory mortals know little even of themselves, much less of those who died long before their time.  +
Purity and impurity belong to oneself; no one can purify another.  +
Put yourself frankly into the hands of Fate, and let her spin you out what fortune she pleases.  +
Rain in the morn brings the sun after noon. He who weeps today, may laugh tomorrow.  +
Real self-knowledge is the awakening to consciousness of the divine nature of man.  +
Remember that life is wearing off, and a smaller part of it is left daily.  +
Ring out the old, ring in the new,<br> Ring, happy bells, across the snow:<br> The year is going, let him go;<br> Ring out the false, ring in the true.<br> <br> Ring out the grief that saps the mind,<br> For those that here we see no more;<br> Ring out the feud of rich and poor,<br> Ring in redress to all mankind.  +
Sacrifice not thy weaker child to the stronger, but protect him.  +
Save not thy life at the expense of another's, as he will take two of thy lives in future births.  +
Say not 'I am,' 'I was,' or 'I shall be,'<br> Think not ye pass from house to house of flesh<br> Like travellers who remember and forget,<br> Ill-lodged or well-lodged. Fresh<br> Issues upon the universe that sum<br> Which is the lattermost of lives. It makes<br> Its habitation as the worm spins silk<br> And dwells therein.  +
Seek refuge in thy soul; have there thy Heaven! Scorn them that follow virtue for her gifts!  +
Self is the lord of self: who else could be the lord! With self well subdued, a man finds a master such as few can find.  +
Self-knowledge is unattainable by what men usually call "self-analysis." It is not reached by reasoning or any brain-powers.  +