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The husband of Pain is Rapture, but the souls are few in whom that marriage is consummated.  +
The kindest policy for a strong man is not to flourish his power in the sight of a weaker man.  +
The light of all flesh is the sun; the light of the soul – truth everlasting.  +
The living soul is not woman, nor man, nor neuter; whatever body it takes, with that it is joined only.  +
The man who finds pleasure in vice, and pain in virtue, is still a novice in both.  +
The man who neglects the truth he finds in his soul, in order to follow its dead-letter, is a time-server.  +
The mind, enlightened, casts its grief away!<br> It is not to be known by knowledge! man<br> Wotteth it not by wisdom! learning vast<br> Halts short of it! Only by soul itself<br> Is soul perceived – when the soul wills it so!<br> There shines no light save its own light to show<br> Itself unto itself!  +
The more a man clothes himself in modesty, the better does he conceal his faults.  +
The most precious gift received by man on earth is desire for wisdom.  +
The noble delight in the noble; the base do not; the bee goes to the lotus from the wood; not so the frog, though living in the same lake.  +
The one eternal, immutable law of life alone can judge and condemn man absolutely.  +
The path of virtue lies in the renunciation of arrogance and pride.  +
The path of virtue lies in the renunciation of the seven great sins.  +
The pure soul is a river whose holy source is self-control, whose water is truth, whose bank is righteousness, whose waves are compassion.  +
The road to sin is a wide highway; the way out of it, a steep and rugged hill.  +
The sage does not say what he does; but he does nothing that cannot be said.  +
The sandal tree has snakes; the lotus tank, alligators; in happiness there is envy. There are no unmixed pleasures.  +
The self is hidden in all beings, and does not shine forth; but it is seen by subtle seers, through their sharp and subtle intellect.  +
The shadow of a cloud, the favour of the base, new corn, a flower, these last only a little time; so it is with youth and riches.  +
The soothsayer for evil never knows his own fate.  +