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Trifling ruins earnestness, lying is the enemy of truth, and oppression perverts justice.  +
True clemency is in foregoing revenge, when it is in one's power; true patience is in bearing up against disappointments.  +
Trust not in business one ever caught asleep by the sun rising or setting, for thereby he incurs great sin.  +
Truth is brighter than the sun; truth is the sunny day of Reason, and falsehood the mind's dark night.  +
Two things are impossible in this world of Maya: to enjoy more than Karma hath allotted; to die before one's hour hath struck.  +
UTTISTHA! — Rise! Awake!<br> Seek the great Teachers, and attend! The road<br> Is narrow as a knife-edge! Hard to tread!<br> But whoso once perceiveth HIM that IS; —<br> Without a name, Unseen, Impalpable,<br> Bodiless, Undiminished, Unenlarged,<br> To senses undeclared, without an end,<br> Without beginning, Timeless, Higher than height,<br> Deeper than depth! Lo! Such an one is saved!<br> Death hath not power upon him!  +
Unenduring are youth, beauty, life, wealth, lordship, the society of the beloved; let not the wise be deluded by these.  +
Useless to seek to seize the ocean-echo, by clasping the shell in which it lies hid; as useless to try to seize this essence, by grasping the form in which for a moment it shone.  +
Vain hopes cut man off from every good; but the renunciation of avarice prevents every ill.  +
Vehement desires about any one thing render the soul blind with respect to other things.  +
Vinegar does not catch a fly, but honey. A sweet tongue draweth the snake forth from the earth.  +
We are the true troglodytes, cave-dwellers, though we call our cavern the world.  +
We hate but those whom we envy or fear.  +
Wealth in the hands of one who thinks not of helping mankind with it, is sure to turn one day into dry leaves.  +
What good is advice to a fool?  +
What matters dying? If the gods are in being, you can suffer nothing, for they will do you no harm.  +
What ought to be done is neglected, what ought not to be done is done. The sins of the unruly are ever increasing.  +
Whatever is good has that quality from itself; it is finished by its own nature, and commendation is no part of it.  +
When Fate overtakes us, the eye of Wisdom becomes blind.  +
When a certain point is reached, pain becomes its own anodyne.  +