Property:HPB Gem text

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When desire is for the purely abstract – when it has lost all trace or tinge of "self" – then it has become pure.  +
When the leaden clouds clash together, the fair glimpse of heaven is shut out.  +
When the silence falls upon us, we can hear the voices of the gods, pointing out in the quiet light of divine law the true path for us to follow.  +
When the weak-minded is deprived of wealth, his actions are destroyed, like rivulets dried up in hot seasons.  +
When trust is gone, misfortune comes in; when confidence is dead, revenge is born; and when treachery appears, all blessings fly away.  +
When your mind shall have crossed beyond the taint of delusion, then will you become indifferent to all that you have heard or will hear.  +
Where there are not virtue and discrimination, learning is not to be sown there, no more than good seed in barren soil.  +
Where two women meet, there a market springs; where three congregate, a bazaar is opened; and where seven talk, there begins a fair.  +
Who fulfills not duty with steadfast mind, duty which opens the portals of bliss, surprised by old age and remorse, he is burned by the fire of grief.  +
Who gave the swan his whiteness, the parrot his wings of golden green, the peacock his iris-hues? Will not that which provided for them provide for thee?  +
Who is the great man? He who is strongest in patience. He who patiently endures injury, and maintains a blameless life – he is a man indeed!  +
Who performs a right action, free from impurity, the house of that man is a forest hermitage.  +
Whoever offers not food to the poor, raiment to the naked, and consolation to the afflicted, is reborn poor, naked, and suffering.  +
Whoever, not being a sanctified person, pretends to be a Saint, he is indeed the lowest of all men, the thief in all worlds, including that of Brahma.  +
Whomsoever riches do not exalt, poverty will not abase, nor calamity cast him down.  +
Whoso cannot forgive wrong done to him shall learn to know how his good deeds are undone by himself.  +
Whoso heeds not a plaint, confesses his own meanness; and whoso makes a merit of his charity, incurs reproach.  +
Whoso takes good advice is secure from falling; but whoso rejects it, falleth into the pit of his own conceit.  +
Whosoever is ashamed of his father and mother, is excluded from the ranks of the wise.  +
Will and Desire are both absolute creators, forming the man himself and his surroundings.  +