Property:HPB Gem text

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Showing 8 pages using this property.
Will creates intelligently; Desire blindly and unconsciously.  +
Will is the exclusive possession of man. It divides him from the brute, in whom instinctive desire only is active.  +
Will is the offspring of the Divine, the God in man; Desire, the motive power of the animal life.  +
Wise men are light-bringers.  +
Without Karma, no fisherman could catch a fish; outside of Karma, no fish would die on dry land, or in boiling water.  +
Without trouble one gets no honey. Without grief and sorrow no one passes his life.  +
You cannot build a temple of truth by hammering dead stones. Its foundations must precipitate themselves like crystals from the solution of life.  +
Youth is like a mountain-torrent; wealth is like the dust on one's feet; manhood is fugitive as a water-drop; life is like foam.  +