Cosmic Matter

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Cosmic Matter is the first differentiation of space or pre-cosmic substance. Mahatma K.H. defined it as "the imaginary materia prima itself one of the manifestations (6th principle) of the one element."[1] This one element "not only fills space and is space, but interpenetrates every atom of cosmic matter."[2]

In its highest aspect, this cosmic matter is equated with Akasha.[3] According to H. P. Blavatsky, on the physical plane this cosmic matter is the origin of the “Milky Way”, the matter we know:

This “matter,” which, according to the revelation received from the primeval Dhyani-Buddhas, is, during the periodical sleep of the Universe, of the ultimate tenuity conceivable to the eye of the perfect Bodhisatva — this matter, radical and cool, becomes, at the first reawakening of cosmic motion, scattered through Space; appearing, when seen from the Earth, in clusters and lumps, like curds in thin milk. These are the seeds of the future worlds, the “Star-stuff.”[4]

In the Theosophical view, the cosmic matter is eternal[5] and during the maha-pralaya it reverts to the state of pre-cosmic substance.


  1. ML No. 67???????????
  2. ML No. 67???????????
  3. ML No. 67???????????
  4. SD I, (??????), 69
  5. ML No. 90