Cadena planetaria

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Blavatsky drawing of a chain in a letter to Sinnett

A Planetary chain is a group of seven "globes", "spheres", or "planets" linked together into a single scheme of evolution. According to Mme. Blavatsky "there are seven [chains] in our system."[1]

Cadenas Planetarias

El concepto Cadenas Planetarias fue publicada primero en 1883 por Alfred Percy Sinnett en su libro Budismo Esotérico. El escribió:

La vida y los procesos evolutivos de este planeta . . . están unidos con la vida y los procesos evolutivos de muchos otros planetas . . . . One globe does not afford Nature scope for the processes by which mankind has been evoked from chaos, but these processes do not require more than a limited and definite number of globes. Separated as these are, in regard to the gross mechanical matter of which they consist, they are closely and intimately bound together by subtle currents and forces, whose existence reason need not be much troubled to concede, since the existence of some connection - of force or ethereal media - uniting all visible celestial bodies, is proved by the mere fact that they are visible. It is along these subtle currents that the life elements pass from world to world.[2]

The "planetary chain" is composed by seven globes that can be represented as in a circular configuration. In the words of Mahatma K. H.:

Now, the congeries of the star-worlds (including our own planet) inhabited by intelligent beings may be likened to an orb or rather an epicycloid formed of rings like a chain — worlds inter-linked together, the totality representing an imaginary endless ring, or circle.[3]

These globes are not all on the same plane of perception. H. P. Blavatsky explains:

  1. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine vol. II, (Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1993), 311.
  2. Alfred Percy Sinnett, Esoteric Buddhism (London: The Theosophical Publishing House Ltd, 1972), 29.
  3. Vicente Hao Chin, Jr. Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett in chronological sequence No. 18 (Quezon City: Theosophical Publishing House, 1993), 64.