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El ego es una palabra derivada del griego Εγώ (Ego), que significa "yo". En las enseñanzas teosóficas, hay diferentes niveles del sentido del yoidad (ego) en nosotros. El ego personal (lower manas) es el "yo" psicológico que a menudo es egoísta. El ego superior (higher manas), también llamado "ego reencarnante", es el sentido impersonal del yo a nivel del alma. El ego espiritual (buddhi-manas) es un sentido iluminado del yo, presente en aquellos que reconocen el ser universal.

Descripción general

H. P. Blavatsky describió el Ego de la siguiente manera:

Yo (Lat.). “Yo”; la conciencia en el hombre de “Yo soy Yo”, o sea el sentimiento de la cualidad o condición de “Yo soy”. La filosofía esotérica enseña la existencia de dos Egos en el hombre, el mortal o personal, y el superior, divino e impersonal. Al primero le llama “Personalidad”, y al segundo “Individualidad”.[1]

The quality of Ego-ship is a feature of the fifth principle, manas. The meaning of the word "ego" in Theosophy is not restricted to the one modern psychology gives. It is used to refer to the sense of "I-ness", which can manifest in different ways to the plane in which it expresses. It can appear in a personal and selfish way through the lower manas (lower ego), in an impersonal form through the higher manas (higher ego), or as a divine self-consciousness through buddhi (spiritual ego). However, it is important to keep in mind that these three egos are just aspects of the one self:

Those who would feel inclined to see three Egos in one man will show themselves unable to perceive the metaphysical meaning. Man is a trinity composed of Body, Soul and Spirit; but man is nevertheless one and is surely not his body. It is the latter which is the property, the transitory clothing of the man. The three “Egos” are MAN in his three aspects on the astral, intellectual or psychic, and the Spiritual planes, or states.[2]

  1. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Theosophical Glossary (Krotona, CA: Editorial Teeosófica, 1973), 111.
  2. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Collected Writings vol. IX (Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1974), 257, fn.