Blavatsky Letter to Holloway - MHM No. 1

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Quick Facts
People involved
Written by: H. P. Blavatsky
Received by: Laura C. Holloway
Sent via: William Quan Judge
Written on: unknown
Received on: after 24 April 1884
Other dates: unknown 
Sent from: unknown
Received at: London
Via: unknown

This letter is Letter No. 1 in Mrs. Holloway and the Mahatmas. H. P. Blavatsky writes to Laura C. Holloway suggesting that they could meet in London in May.

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Page 1 transcription, image, and notes

[typed letter]

46 Rue Notre Dame des Champs
Paris April 24, 1884

Dear Sister,

I received from my old friend Judge your letter given by you to him, and have delayed replying until I should have received your other one sent to India before his departure from New York. I was (and am) also very busy having in fact no time for one quarter of my correspondence. I told him to tell you that you were not mistaken, and that what I learned from him and your letters was not only real, but also interesting to even me who have seen so many mysterious things.

I know that you can separate the husk from the kernel, and that you will be able to understand that all you saw and experience was true albeit perhaps in some small details apparently clashing with the facts – as they appear to be. For instance you will not wonder that you saw me as you describe, and yet that I did not receive your letter until I came to Paris. There are many things I could tell you but cannot write them; but in looking up to the Mahatmas and aspiring to be their disciple to the Mahatmas and aspiring to be their disciple you will have the surest guides and the greater safety – "for those who know the truth of all things will teach you." I am not permitted to reveal all that I now know or could discover. Time and your own powers will reveal all to you. Meanwhile you will be receiving from Judge what proofs he can give you. And I trust the time is not far distant when you will be engaged also in the grand work of benefiting Humanity by forwarding the Theosophicl movement.

I have asked Judge to act as my amanuensis I have so much on hand and so many visitors.

[handwritten note] I will remain in Paris until July or later; I will be happy to see you – which may easily happen if you come to England in May – for hen you can cross over here and go to India with WQJ. Believe me dear Mrs. Holloway.

Your's sincerely & fraternally
H. P. Blavatsky



Context and background

Physical description of letter

The original was typed on a single sheet, with a handwritten note by H. P. Blavatsky at the bottom. The location of the original of this letter is in The Winterthur Library, Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera, Materials on Theosophy, in Winterthur, Delaware.

Publication history

This letter was was never published before its inclusion in Mrs. Holloway and the Mahatmas.

Commentary about this letter

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