Mahatma Letter to H. P. Blavatsky - MHM No. 15

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Quick Facts
People involved
Written by: Koot Hoomi
Received by: H. P. Blavatsky
Sent via: unknown 
Written on: unknown
Received on: before 15 August 1884
Other dates: unknown
Sent from: unknown
Received at: London
Via: unknown

This letter is Letter No. 15 in Mrs. Holloway and the Mahatmas. Mahatma Koot Hoomi tells H. P. Blavatsky how to deal with Laura C. Holloway.

Page 1 transcription, image, and notes

If she gives you her word of honour never to reveal to Sinnett that the advice or (as he would call it) orders come from me, then you may tell her this. If she goes with the Sinnetts before they are entirely rid of the bad influences that haunt them everywhere; or follows them out of England or stops with them she is lost, and they too as regards my meddling any more with them. Tell her that if she insists upon my saying so to S[innett] myself I will do so and then he will be lost to the L L and Theosophy.

She is worse than a child – she would have proofs in us as a Christian would have his in Jesus.




Context and background

Physical description of letter

The original was written in blue. The location of the original of this letter is in The Winterthur Library, Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera, Materials on Theosophy, in Winterthur, Delaware.

Publication history

This letter was was never published before its inclusion in Mrs. Holloway and the Mahatmas.

Commentary about this letter

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