Mahatma Letter to H. P. Blavatsky - LMW 1 No. 3

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Quick Facts
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Written by: Morya
Received by: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Sent via: unknown 
Written on: unknown
Received on: 1884
Other dates: unknown
Sent from: unknown
Received at: London
Via: unknown

This letter is Letter No. 3 in Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, First Series. Mahatma Morya writes to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky with instructions for the Inner Group of the London Lodge.[1]

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Page 1 transcription, image, and notes

You will let the ‘Inner Circle’ know what follows by showing and leaving with them this paper. If found difficult to read my handwriting, then make a fair copy.

I. Should means be found to go on with Esoteric Teachings last year interrupted, and should Mahatma Kut-humi find it possible to resume his correspondence, the latter can pass only through the hands of Mr Sinnett, as hitherto. He was the chosen correspondent from the first; he resuscitated the London Lodge and worked for the Cause of the Th. Soc.; it is but just that he should reap the fruit of karma. The Mahatma, his correspondent, could not transfer serial teaching with any degree of justice to any one else.

II. This being settled, remains the question what means there are to correspond even with Mr Sinnett? H.P.B. will not undertake the sending on and transmission of the letters; she has shown her willingness to self-sacrifice in this direction long enough, and unless she does so of her own free will and without reference of the question to myself, even I, her guru for many years, have no right to compel her. Damodar K.M. has the same or even more unwillingness. Since the act pertains to karma, K.H. cannot and will not compel him, as he must not meddle with karma. Remains Mohini Babu. He has not reached that stage of physiological development that enables a chela to send and receive letters. His evolution has been more upon the intellectual plane, and just now a greater activity is beginning in the borderland between that and the spiritual, and his utterances will as hitherto be largely inspired by his Master. With every day he will improve. If his short-sighted friends do not spoil him by their foolish compliments and he does not yield to the seductive influences which converge



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towards him, there is a future for him – but he is not ready for physical transference. Moreover, when or if he once falls under the spell of the worldly life, his inspiration will cease and his name will be written on the ‘roll’ as a failure. There is danger for him. His Master perceives it and – hesitates. There is still another person, but that person will, if even given such powers, conceal it to the last. Not every one is prepared to court and accept martyrdom which may well result in that great calamity, the interruption of one’s studies and development.

III. Whoever may be found – if one be found, to transmit to Mr S., K.H.’s letters, neither the ‘Inner Circle’ nor even the L.L. as a whole is in a position just now to either profit by or even calmly receive the desired instructions. A band of students of the Esoteric Doctrines, who would reap any profits spiritually must be in perfect harmony and unity of thought. Each one individually and collectively has to be utterly unselfish, kind and full of good will towards each other at least – leaving humanity out of the question; there must be no party spirit among the band, no backbiting, no ill will, or envy or jealously, contempt or anger. What hurts one ought to hurt the other – that which rejoices A must feel with pleasure B. Is the L.L. or even its Inner Circle in such state which is required absolutely by our Rules and Laws? It is only owing to the K.H.’s great kindness that notwithstanding the deplorable state the L.L. was in for nearly two years and its lacking the said requisites he still corresponded occasionally with Mr S. The recent succession of domestic troubles would have been soon disposed of, and most of them avoided, had there been that true brotherly unity which moves a large body of men to act as one single man and as endowed with one single heart and soul. I am forced to say that only an



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entire change of feeling in the L.L. can bring out its potential usefulness to the great cause we have espoused. In its present state, we find it tending in the opposite direction. The L.L. is but a brilliant – most likely the most brilliant – orb in the theosophical sky, but to the Parent Society it is an aristocratic outgrowth, an Empire within an Empire which, gravitating towards its own centre of fixed habits, prejudices and worldliness, throws into confusion the whole Body, whereas it might so easily become the rock of salvation, the safest harbour for the thousands of its members.

It will have to change its hitherto exclusive and selfish policy if it would live. It will have to become part and parcel of the ‘Universal Brotherhood’ if it would be a theosophical body. It will have to act in full harmony with the Parent body and promote the observation of perfect solidarity and unity of thought throughout the entire Society. No gossip, no slander should be allowed, no personal predilection shown, no favouritism if it would have us for instructors. Mahatma Kut-humi can, of course, as an independent Adept, in his own private capacity write to whomsoever he chooses – should he find the means of doing so without infringing the good Secret Law. But he will never consent



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to depart from that Law even though and for the satisfaction of those who have been to him the most devoted. Let the L. L. and especially the Inner Circle sift the grain from the chaff, for we will have naught to do with the latter. Let them listen to friendly advice.

See what an utterly barren record it made until Mr Sinnett's return from India – and profit by the lesson, ye who say ye know Karma. Useless to point to the various scandals at Headquarters, in Bombay and Madras in palliation of your past remissness: it is no excuse. The managers of the P.S. have made, will make, many mistakes, precisely because they are alone and left without help and protection, for they might have avoided such dangerous intimacies and have none to blame but themselves that their confidence was abused: so might some of the L.L. who sinned through imprudence and enthusiasm. Human nature is exactly as weak at Adyar as in Chancery Lane or a Paris. It is truly a hard task to combine so much poor material into a strong and perfect organization—yet the future of the theosophic movement depends upon the members of the Inner Circle; if it be not organized as it ought to be, they will have to blame but themselves.




Context and background

Mr. Jinarajadasa provided these notes about this letter and the next:

Received in London in 1884. Transcribed from the original at Adyar. The writing is in red ink.[2]

Physical description of letter

According to Mr. Jinarajadasa, the original of this letter is at the Adyar headquarters of the Theosophical Society. The writing is in red ink.

Publication history

This letter was published in 1919 as Letter 3 in the first edition of Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, 1881-1888, later known as the First Series.[3] It has kept this designation as Letter 3 throughout all editions. A facsimile was reproduced in Did Madame Blavatsky Forge the Mahatma Letters?[4]

Commentary about this letter

Additional resources


  1. C. Jinarajadasa, Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, First Series (Adyar, Chennai, India: Theosophical Publishing House, 2011), 13-18, 139.
  2. C. Jinarajadasa, 139.
  3. Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, 1881-1888. Adyar, Madras, India; London: Theosophical Publishing House, 1919. Foreword by Annie Besant; transcribed and compiled by C. Jinarajadasa.
  4. C. Jinarājadāsa, Did Madame Blavatsky Forge the Mahatma Letters? (Adyar, Madras, India: Theosophical Publishing House, 1934), 32.

[[Category:ML to H. P. Blavatsky]