Blavatsky's Prophecies

The fate of Germany
In January 1889 H. P. Blavatsky wrote:
A year ago, it was stated by the editors that 1888 was a dark combination of numbers: it has proved so since. Earthquakes and terrible volcanic eruptions, tidal waves and landslips, cyclones and fires, railway and maritime disasters followed each other in quick succession. . . . Almost every nation was visited by some dire calamity. Prominent among other countries was Germany. It was in 1888 that the Empire reached, virtually, the 18th year of its unification. It was during the fatal combination of the four numbers 8 that it lost two of its Emperors, and planted the seeds of many dire Karmic results.[1]
1888 is called in Germany "Year of the Three Emperors" who ruled over Germany in rapid succession. The first was Emperor Wilhelm I, who had ruled over the German Empire ever since the unification of Germany on 18 January 1871. He died on March 9, 1888, and was succeeded by his son, Emperor Frederick III, who had throat cancer. He died after only 99 days of rule and his son, Wilhelm II, succeeded to the throne at age 29. He eventually led Germany into World War I and ruled until his abdication and the fall of the German Empire in 1918 at the end of war.
In an article titled "Karmic Visions" written in 1888, one year before Hitler was born, Blavatsky foretold his rise. She wrote:
It is as though a heartless, proud fiend, assuming sudden authority, incarnate ambition and power, had clutched with iron hand the minds of a whole country. By what wicked enchantment has he brought the people back to those primeval days of the nation when their ancestors, the yellow-haired Suevi, and the treacherous Franks [two groups of Germanic tribes] roamed about in their warlike spirit, thirsting to kill, to decimate and subject each other. (…) And then? The world is hushed in breathless expectation. Not a wife or mother, but is haunted in her dreams by the black and ominous storm-cloud that overhangs the whole of Europe. The cloud is approaching. It comes nearer and nearer. Oh woe and horror! . . . I foresee once more for earth the suffering I have already witnessed. I read the fatal destiny upon the brow of the flower of Europe’s youth! [2]
Online resources
- Prophecies by H. P. Blavatsky by W. Q. Judge
- New Light On Some Prophecies of Madame Blavatsky For Our Time by Walter A. Carrithers, Jr.