Cube (symbol)
Perfect cube
Chaos-Theos-Kosmos are but the three aspects of their synthesis—SPACE. One can never hope to solve the mystery of this Tetraktis by holding to the dead-letter even of the old philosophies, as now extant. But, even in these, CHAOS-THEOS-KOSMOS=SPACE, are identified in all Eternity, as the One Unknown Space, the last word about which will, perhaps, never be known before our seventh Round. Nevertheless, the allegories and metaphysical symbols about the primeval and perfect CUBE, are remarkable even in the exoteric Purânas. SD1, 344
It is the first triangle or the Pythagorean triad, the “God of the three Aspects,” before it is transformed through its perfect quadrature of the infinite Circle into the “four-faced Brahmâ.”
As explained, the “sacred animals” and the Flames or “Sparks” within the “Holy Four” refer to the prototypes of all that is found in the Universe in the Divine Thought, in the ROOT, which is the perfect cube, or the foundation of the Kosmos collectively and individually.
“The Dodecahedron lies concealed in the perfect Cube,” say the Kabalists. The mystic meaning of this is, that the twelve great transformations of Spirit into matter (the 12,000 divine years) take place during the four great ages, or the first Mahayuga.
It is also the “four-faced” Brahmâ, the Chatur mukha (the perfect cube) forming itself within, and from the infinite circle.
the one central point became the Triangle and Quaternary (the perfect Cube), hence Seven.