Daniel Dunglas Home
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Daniel Dunglas Home (20 March 1833 – 21 June 1886) was a famous Scottish medium who was reported to speak with the dead and to levitate, among other phenomena. His name is pronounced "Hume." Reportedly, he saw visions, healed the sick, and was able levitate himself, speak with the dead, and produce rapping sounds at will.
Early life
Activities in the United States
Activities in Europe
Theosophical Society involvement
Additional resources
- Home, D. D. Incidents in My Life. 1863. Autobiography. The sixth edition is available at Archive.org.
- "Daniel Dunglas Home" in Wikipedia. A thorough and well-documented summary of his life.
- [https://psi-encyclopedia.spr.ac.uk/articles/daniel-dunglas-home "Daniel Dunglas Home"' in Psi Encyclopedia.
- Home, Daniel Dunglas in Theosophy World.
- "The Extraordinary Life of Daniel Dunglas Home" on YouTube. A Documentary by Dr Keith Parsons.