Gérard Encausse

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Gérard Encausse

Gérard Analect Vincent Encausse (July 13, 1865 - 25 October 1916), whose esoteric pseudonym was Papus, was the Spanish-born French physician, hypnotist, and popularizer of occultism, who founded the modern Martinist Order. He was a member of the French Section of the Theosophical Society until in 1890 he was expelled amidst great tumult, a number of workers leaving with him.

Hermes Branch

Encausse was admitted as a member of the Isis Lodge of the Theosophical Society in Paris on November 8, 1887.[1]

In July 1888, F. K. Gaboriau wrote in Le Lotus a strong editorial in connection with some troubles that were going on in the Isis Branch of the Theosophical Society, in Paris.

On September 16, 1888, Theosophical Society president Col. Olcott and Richard Harte arrived in Paris, to try and settle troubles in the Isis Branch. On the next day the Col. granted a Charter to the new "Hermes" Branch. Arthur Arnould was elected as President; Papus as Corresponding Secretary. The Old Charter of the Isis Branch was rescinded and Gaboriau became rather abusive in the pages of Le Lotus.

About October, 1888, Papus started his journal l'Initiation in Paris. It became the official organ of his new Branch Hermes, formed with the dissident members of the Isis Branch.

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  1. Theosophical Society General Membership Register, 1875-1942 at http://tsmembers.org/. See book 1, entry 4228 (website file: 1B/35).