H.P.Blavatsky's heritage in the modern world
H.P.Blavatsky's life
(Main article: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky)
Great minds of the world are born at all times. They are destined to become the mediators of the evolutionary powers. Some of them go unnoticed, others become hubs of global change. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky is one of such great people. Her life and work help us broaden our consciousness, understand the world around us in new terms. She worked for the future of every man for the new age, the dawn of which illuminated the progressive minds of the 19th century.
Helena Petrovna faced her birthday 60 times, including the day of birth itself. It was 96 days until the 61st one. She took her first breath in August 12, 1831 (July 31 according to the Julian calendar, which Russia used at that time), in Yekaterinoslav city (now it is Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine). She took her last breath in May 8th, 1891 in London.
On the day when a person passes away, his or her mission on Earth has been completed. All the seeds were sown and it is for future generations to see which seeds will produce, and which will not. The passing away of H.P. Blavatsky was not final: her activity and energy have ignited many spiritual organizations and movements throughout the world. We feel that she is still with us today.
We remember a person because his or her ideas and deeds spark new generations. H.P. Blavatsky still inspires seekers for the truth: her numerous writings guide readers into the spiritual world. Her devotion to the Masters, her efforts to bring their teachings to the world, her service for mankind have made great changes in our minds. She inspires our thoughts and lights up our hearts.
Death and birth are the points where worlds share their experience in an everlasting cycle. Every death is an impulse for birth. Every birth attracts our attention toward life and existence, to something obvious for us, to something we can feel and analyse, to something we accept as real. These two important days of HPB's life turn our attention to the fact that her ideas and thoughts have spread widely through the world, that they are still alive. Her works are under constant study on every continent, they have been translated into many languages, they are constantly reprinted in new editions, and this process, once started, never stops.
The Theosophical Society (of which she was co-founder) according to the 2013 annual report has 26 000 members, 947 branches and 175 Official Study Centres in 56 countries. There are other organizations which were inspired by H.P. Blavatsky on educational and enlightenment work, on exploring the hidden powers of nature and humanity, on strengthening the brotherly relationship between people and all living beings. The entire 'New Age' movement is sometimes attributed to Madame Blavatsky.
A short report below on some countries reflects HPB's influence on the modern world. It does not contain the final information. New data continues to develop.
H.P.Blavatsky in the world
In Argentina H.P. Blavatsky’s books are read in Spanish. Her works are very popular - the most requested are:
- The Secret Doctrine (La Doctrina Secreta)
- The Voice of the Silence (La Voz del Silencio)
- Isis Unveiled (Isis Sin Velo)
- The Key to Theosophy (La Clave de la Teosofia)
Blavatsky’s works are well honored among Austrian theosophists, especially her best known works: "The Voice of the Silence", "The Key to Theosophy" and "The Secret Doctrine". Original teachings of Blavatsky and "The Mahatma Letters" are the main source of their spiritual activities.
TS Lodge in Graz is named after H.P. Blavatsky.
The Belgians read H.P. Blavatsky in English, Dutch and French. All the main HPB works are translated into Dutch (see Netherlands) and more of them into French (see France).
The most popular books in the country are “The Key to Theosophy”, “Practical Occultism” and “The Voice of the Silence”. The theosophists who have studied these books usually want to continue with “The Secret Doctrine” and “The Mahatma Letters”.
In Brussels, Belgium, there was a Lodge called "Branche Blavatsky" for one hundred years, but it did not continue after 2012.
The Belgian artist Ferdinand Schirren made an H.P. Blavatsky mask.
TS Members in Bolivia study theosophy basics in regular groups, including “The Secret Doctrine” and “The Voice of the Silence”.
Two study groups in Santa Cruz are studying “The Secret Doctrine” and one study group in Tarua meets three times a week and studies “The Secret Doctrine” and “The Theosophical Glossary”. The Oruro City study group meets weekly to study “The Voice of the Silence”.
All the main works by H.P. Blavatsky have been translated into Portuguese:
- “The Secret Doctrine”
- “Isis Unveiled”
- “The Key to Theosophy”, translated by Celia Moraes, 1st edition 1991, 4th edition 2011
- “Practical Occultism”
- “The Voice of the Silence”
- “Moments of Wisdom” - her quotations for daily life
There are also:
- “Foundations of Esoteric Philosophy”, 1st edition 1991, 3rd edition 2001
- “H.P.B. The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Blavatsky” by Sylvia Cranston, translated by Murillo Nunes de Azevedo
All these books are available to anyone who wants to buy them from the Brazilian Theosophical Publishing House. The most popular among theosophists are “The Secret Doctrine” and “The Key to Theosophy”.
There is a Lodge of the Theosophical Society in the city of Vitoria, Espirito Santo State, in the east of Brazil, called “Blavatsky Lodge”.
There are Blavatsky Lodges of TS in Burnaby, British Columbia.
Theosophists in Chile read H.P. Blavatsky books mostly in Spanish. Currently the following works are translated:
- The Secret Doctrine (La Doctrina Secreta)
- Isis Unveiled (Isis Sin Velo)
- The Key to Theosophy (La Clave de la Teosofia)
- The Voice of the Silence (La voz del Silencio)
- Practical Occultism (Ocultismo Práctico)
- From the Caves and Jungles of Hindustan (Por las grutas y selvas del Indostan)
- H.P.Blavatsky - Collected Writings, volumes 1 - 9 (10 - 15 have not been translated yet)
- many articles
The most popular HPB book among thesophists in Chile is “The Key to Theosophy”. The members of TS in Chile study “The Secret Doctrine” and “The Voice of the Silence” on their regular meetings.
The Key to Theosophy (證道學的關鍵 (Traditional), 证道学的关键 (Simplified)) is being translated by Chinese Project Team, TS Asia, East & South East
H.P. Blavatsky and her works are the cornerstones of Theosophical study in England. Her three main works are the ones most studied with weekly study groups at HQ – Mondays: “Isis Unveiled”; Tuesdays: “The Secret Doctrine”; and every other Wednesday; “The Key to Theosophy”. HPB’s work is also studied in regular study groups in Lodges throughout the UK.
Blavatsky Lodge (of the TS in England), based in London, is one of the oldest in the world (2nd in England, 3rd in Europe), formed in 1887 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blavatsky_Lodge ). The distinguishing factor in the Blavatsky Lodge was that Madame Blavatsky herself was present at the Lodge every Thursday. Those discussions were collected in the “Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge” and contain many commentaries on the Secret Doctrine. The Lodge still meets on Thursdays at HQ.
There is also HPB Lodge of the TSE, a peripatetic Lodge currently based in the Midlands.
There is The Blavatsky Trust, formed by Geoffrey Farthing, a past president of the TSE, specifically to promote Blavatsky Theosophy (http://www.blavatskytrust.org.uk).
H.P. Blavatsky spent a considerable amount of time in and around London and at the TS in England, and passed away there. This, and the importance of her works, may account for why she is more celebrated there than the other two founders of the TS.
A lot of Blavatsky’s works have been translated into Finnish:
- The Secret Doctrine I and II and III (Salainen Oppi I ja II ja III), original translation by V.H.V. and P.E. in 1917, revised translation by P Carpelan in 1988 and 2012 to ebooks
- Index to the Secret Doctrine I and II (Salaisen Opin hakemisto osat I ja II), translated by P Carpelan in 1988
- The Secret Doctrine abridgement and the Stanzas of Dzyan (Salainen Oppi, johdanto ja Dzyanin runot), original translation by V.H.V. and P.E. in 1917, revised in 1988
- Isis Unveiled (Hunnuton Isis), translation by V.H.V. and P.E. in 1917
- The Key to Theosophy (Teosofian avain), first translation in 1906 and second in 1925 by P Ervast
- The Voice of the Silence (Hiljaisuuden ääni), translated in 1907 and 1973
- Practical Occultism (Käytännön okkultismi), translated early 1900s
- Theosophical glossary (Teosofinen sanakirja), translated by group in 1980s
- H.P. Blavatsky – a Herald of Light (H.P. Blavatsky – Valon airut), 45 writings of HPB compiled by P&K Salonen in 1981
- Esoteric instructions I, II and III (Esoteeriset ohjeet I, II ja III), translation by P Carpelan in 2012 to ebook
- Buddhist writings (Buddhalaisia kirjoituksia), a compilation of 8 articles by HPB about buddhism, with explanation of Sanskrit words
There are also published:
- Foundations of Esoteric Philosophy according to HPB (Esoteerisen filosofian perusteet HPB:n mukaan), translated by EH and VA in 1988
There is also a bi-weekly study group dedicated to "The Secret Doctrine".
One Helsinki TS lodge is named as Blavatsky Lodge.
Secret Doctrine seminars are held around Finland approximately 3-4 times a year.
All the main H.P.Blavatsky works are translated into French:
- The Secret Doctrine (La Doctrine Secrète), 3 volumes
- Isis Unveiled (Isis Dévoilée)
- The Voice of the Silence (La Voix du silence)
- Theosophical Glossary (Le Glossaire Théosophique)
- Practical Occultism (Occultisme pratique)
These books could be purchased in web-store “Les Editions Adyar”, http://www.editionsadyar.com/index.php?page=auteur&auteur=5
All major works of H. P. Blavatsky have been translated into German even longer time ago. This is especially:
- The Secret Doctrine (Geheimlehre) was translated first. In 1895 Annie Besant gave the permission for translating it. The Translation was initiated by Franz Hartmann, the translator was Dr. Robert Froebe. Since then, other translations appeared, also abbreviated editions. The most popular abbreviated edition is the translation by Hank Troemel, finished in 2003.
- Isis Unveiled (Isis entschleiert)
- The Key to Theosophy (Der Schlüssel zur Theosophie)
- The Voice of the Silence (Die Stimme der Stille)
All her books one can buy in German section of Amazon (www.amazon.de).
The German Section of the TS dates to 1902. In the first half of the 20th century, many German esoterics and occultists took over ideas from Blavatsky without mentioning her. The most popular of them was Rudolf Steiner, the founder of the so-called "Anthroposophie".
After having been forbidden in the "Third Reich", the work of the TS started up immediately in 1945 and the following years.
The Berlin lodge of TS is named ‘Blavatsky Lodge’.
H.P. Blavatsky lived in Würzburg, Ludwigstraße, 6 during the years 1885/1886, in Mme Constance Wachtmeister’s home. There she worked on the first part of The Secret Doctrine. There is the plaque on the building in Würzburg where she once resided.
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There are several works by H.P. Blavatsky which are translated into the Hellenic language. They are:
- The Secret Doctrine (ΜΥΣΤΙΚΗ ΔΟΞΑΣΙΑ), 3 volumes, 3rd volume was finished in 2013, published in 2 books titled "Mystics, Occult and Magical Arts" (ΜΥΣΤΕΣ, ΑΠΟΚΡΥΦΟ ΚΑΙ ΜΑΓΙΚΕΣ ΤΕΧΝΕΣ, vol. Α & B)
- Isis Unveiled (ΑΠΟΚΑΛΥΜΕΝΗ ΙΣΙΣ) published in 7 small volumes
- The Key to Theosophy (ΤΟ ΚΛΕΙΔΙ ΤΗΣ ΘΕΟΣΟΦΙΑΣ)
- The Voice of the Silence (Η ΦΩΝΗ ΤΗΣ ΣΙΓΗΣ)
- Practical Occultism (ΤΑ ΠΡΩΤΑ ΒΗΜΑΤΑ ΣΤΟΝ ΑΠΟΚΡΥΦΙΣΜΟ), the Hellenic title of the first book means: "The First Steps in Occultism"
- Yoga and occultism (ΓΙΟΓΚΑ ΚΑΙ ΑΠΟΚΡΥΦΙΣΜΟΣ (ΑΝΘΟΛΟΓΙΑ ΕΣΩΤΕΡΙΚΗΣ ΓΝΩΣΗΣ) ) – an anthology of her writings under this title
TS Lodge in Athens named after HPB “Blavatsky Lodge”.
The White Lotus Day is celebrated by Greek theosophists every year.
In Hungary up to now the following H.P.Blavatsky works have been translated and published:
- The Secret Doctrine (Titkos Tanítás), 1st volume is complete, 2nd is being done
- The Voice of the Silence (A Csend Hangja)
- Practical Occultism (Gyakorlati okkultizmus)
“The Voice of the Silence” (first translated HPB book), “The Practical Occultism” and in the same volume her two articles (“Is Theosophy a Religion?” and “The Origin of Evil”) have translated and published, with the Foundation of Esoteric Philosophy (ed. by I. Hoskins).
The most of H.P. Blavatsky’s writings were (and are) translated by Mr. János Szabari and can be downloaded from the site of TS in Hungary: http://teozofia.hu/index.php?fent=olvasnivalo .
H.P. Blavatsky’s books can be bought in some great bookstores (such as Alexandra, Lira, Elixir), in some yearly exhibitions and during regular public lectures.
Hungarians usually say “Blavatsky”, spelling as in English and sometimes “Blavatskyné” (= Mrs. Blavatsky)
There is the international headquarter of the Theosophical Society in Adyar, Chennai (former Madras until 1996) of which H.P.Blavatsky was the co-founder. There are founder's statue, “Blavatsky bungalow” and “Blavatsky banyan” on Adyar territory.
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HPB's works are studied at annual School of Wisdom in Adyar. The Theosophical Publishing House publishes H.P.Blavatsky works constantly.
The majority of the TS members in Ireland are now studying notes on “The Voice of the Silence” by HPB, which is favourite and much loved mystical booklet of hers some of Irish theosophists have at their bedsides and frequently refer to.
Personal libraries of theosophists in Ireland include all major works by H.P.Blavatsky.
The following Helena Blavatsky's (הלנה בלבצקי) books are translated into the Hebrew language:
- "Key to Theosophy" (מפתח לתאוסופיה) was translated and published at the end of the 1970-s. The translation was done by a professional translator Mr. Tuvia Ornan and edited by Mr. Vitally Rubissa.
- "The Voice of Silence" (קול הדממה) was translated and published in the beginning of the 1990-s by Mrs. Anava Kantor a long time Theosophist and edited by Abraham Oron.
- "Practical Occultism" (תורת הנסתר המעשית) was translated by Mrs. Anava Kantor and edited by Abraham Oron somewhen at the end of the 1990-s
- "The abridgment of The Secret Doctrine" () (not yet published), was translated by Mr. Ezion Becker and is being still checked and edited .
First 3 books can be bought from TS in Israel website, http://theosophia.co.il/
A lot of Blavatsky’s works have been translated into Italian:
- The Secret Doctrine (La Dottrina Segreta) and “The Secret Doctrine abridgement” (La Dottrina Segreta versione di studio). A new edition of the latter has been recently published.
- The Voice of the Silence (La voce del Silenzio)
- The Key to Theosophy (La chiave della Teosofia)
- Isis Unveiled (Iside svelata)
- The Stanzas of Dzyan (Le Stanze di Dzyan)
- Raya Yoga or Occultism (Raja Yoga o occultismo)
Italian theosophists are much obliged to H.P.Blavatsky and they highly regard her works, in primis the “The Voice of the Silence” and “The Secret Doctrine”.
The official website of the Italian Theosophical Society (http://teosofica.org) speaks widely about H.P. Blavatsky. Her biography is also present on the website. Many biographies have been published in Italian, the most important by Sylvia Cranston, and by Sinnett. Other books written by two Italian Theosophists are the following:
- “Helena Petrovna Blavatsky e la Società Teosofica” by Paola Giovetti;
- “Blavatsky e Besant – il fulmine e il tuono” by Livia Lucchini.
The Italian version of the DVD "The Life of Helena Petrovna BLAVATSKY" by Ian Wilson (“La vita di HPB”) was also published.
As for H.P.Blavatsky presence in Italy and her contacts with Giuseppe Garibaldi one could read an article by Patrizia Calvi: “Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Italy“, which was also published in the May 2012 issue of "The Theosophist".
There is a Lodge in Milan, named after HPB, the same in Rome, and in Piea d’Asti where a Study Group is present with her name.
Currently the following H.P.Blavatsky works are translated into Japanese:
- The Secret Doctrine, volume 1, published under the title “Secret Doctrine. Universe Generation Theory” (シークレット・ドクトリン 宇宙発生論《上》). The second volume is being translated and published in the bi-monthly The Japanese Theosophist. The translators are Emiko Tanaka (田中恵美子) and Jeff Clark (ジェフ・クラーク).
- 365 days words of Blavatsky (ブラヴァツキーのことば365日) – the translation of “Madame Blavatsky’s Words for Each Day of the Year”. Translator: Yamaguchi (山口 多一).
- Isis Unveiled, volume I - Science (ベールをとったイシス 第1巻 科学 上), translator: Oimatsu Katsuhiro (老松 克博)
- Proceedings of the Secret Doctrine (シークレット・ドクトリンの議事録), the translators are Emiko Tanaka (田中恵美子) and Jeff Clark (ジェフ・クラーク).
- History of the Secret Doctrine (シークレット・ドクトリンの沿革), translator: Matsuda Katsurahate (松田 桂果)
The TS Lodge in Tokyo which is consist of 51 members study H.P.Blavatsky works in their native language.
Myanmar (Burma)
TS members in Myanmar study “The Secret Doctrine” among other spiritual literature on their meetings.
Some of H.P. Blavatsky works have been translated into Dutch:
- The Secret Doctrine (Geheime Leer) was first translated and published in 1907. The “Introduction” in The Secret Doctrine, vol. 1, together with some other parts of vol. 1 and 2 and the ‘Bowen notes’ are published in a book titled “Een introductie tot De Geheime Leer”
- The Voice of the Silence (De stem van de stilte) was first translated and published 1907
- The Key to Theosophy (De sleutel tot de theosofie) was first translated and published 1906
- Isis Unveiled (Isis ontsluierd) was first translated and published in 1911
- Transactions of the Blavatksy Lodge (Een toelichting op De Geheime Leer stanza;s I – IV; Handelingen van de Blavatsky Lodge) published in 1995
- H.P. Blavatsky to the American Conventions: 1888-1891 published in 1980 under the title “H.P. Blavatsky aan de Amerikaanse conventies: 1888-1891”
- Occult stories of H.P. Blavatsky and W.Q. Judge, collected and translated into Dutch and published in 1999 under the title “Occulte verhalen van H.P. Blavatksy and W.Q. Judge”.
- Many essays and articles of H.P. Blavatsky have been translated into Dutch and published in booklet.
Many Internet sites in Dutch give information about her.
Books by H.P.Blavatsky issued by UTVN Publishing House could be purchased from web-store http://theosofie.nl.
There are always lectures and study groups of HPB works in The International Theosophical Centre in Naarden. At the headquarters two study groups have taken up “The Secret Doctrine” and “The Mahatma Letters” for study.
“The Theosophical Society Point Loma – Blavatskyhouse The Haque” uses HPB name in its own name to indicate the priority of their activity as to follow the H.P.Blvatsky vision of theosophical movement.
There is a TS branch “H.P.Blavatsky Lodge” in the country, which consist of 12 members.
The Blavatsky Lodge in Peru celebrated its 90th anniversary on 1 June 2014.
HPB (Helena P. Blawatska) works translated into Polish are:
- The Secret Doctrine (Doktryna Tajemna), volumes 1,2,3, published by Loka-Rybnik
- The Voice of the Silence (Glos Ciszy), published by Wieluń in 2014
There is a TS branch “H.P.Blavatsky Lodge” in the State of Qatar.
Soon after revolution of 1917 the theosophy in Russia was forbidden as well as many other mystical and religious organizations. Elena Petrovna Blavatsky's (Елена Петровна Блаватская) works got under a ban almost until the time of the Soviet Union disintegration in 1991. One year prior to this event in May, 1990 the first officially opened action devoted to return of name and heritage of H.P.Blavatsky to Russia took place. There were the exhibition “Sphinx of XIX century” (where most people could see the photo of HPB and other Russian and foreign theosophists for the first time) and the special evening meeting devoted to her life and creativity. Opening of an exhibition was shown on the central channel of television. The TS international President Radha Burneir came to USSR and took part in the opening ceremony. She brought two volumes of “The Secret Doctrine” as a gift and gave the inspiring speech. In 1991, the 160th anniversary of H.P. Blavatsky's birthday and the 100th anniversary of her passing away, there were 4 editions of “The Secret Doctrine” at once issued by 4 independent publishing houses in different cities of Russia. This fact made obvious that there was a great interest to the works of the world-known compatriot among the citizens, despite a ban. Since then different works by H.P.Blavatsky are published every year to satisfy constant interest of readers.
Nowadays all her books, most articles and majority of letters have been translated and published, most of them several times and in different translations. The major publications are:
- The Secret Doctrine (Тайная Доктрина) – volumes 1 and 2 are translated by H.I.Roerich (first publication was in 1937), volume 3 is translated by A.P.Heidok. “The Secret Doctrine” is issued almost every year. There were no less than 17 issues by 15 different publishing houses from 1991 till 2014 (see the list in Russian). There was another translation of “The Secret Doctrine” by A.A.Kamensky at the beginning of 20th century, but it is lost for now.
- Isis Unveiled (Разоблачённая Изида) – translated by A.P.Heidok and published by several publishing houses. There was an attempt to correct the translation by publishing houses “Sfera” ("Сфера", Moscow) and Lotac ("Лотаць", Minsk, Belarus). The work started at 2000 and still going on.
- The Voice of the Silence (Голос Безмолвия) – translated by H.F.Pisareva. The book was published by several publishing houses.
- The Key to Theosophy (Ключ к теософии) – have several translations and published by several publishing houses.
- Theosophical Glossary (Теософский словарь) – have several translations and published by several publishing houses in 1994, 2003, 2004, 2009.
- Articles were published in several volumes by different publishing houses in their series:
- White Lotus series (серия «Белый Лотос»), Sfera Publishing House, the series started in 1993, 21 volumes were published
- H.P.Blavatsky series (серия «Е.П.Блаватская»), MCF Publishing House, 1994-1999, 4 volumes were published
- Great Adepts series (серия «Великие посвящённые»), Eksmo-Press, the series started in 2001, 7 volumes were published
- H.P.Blavatsky for the offspring series (серия «Е.П.Блаватская – потомкам»), Sfera Publishing House, the series started in 2004, 9 volumes were published
- Delphis Publishing House (издательство «Дельфис»), started its series at 2014 (without special name) and 6 volume already issued
- From the Caves and Jungles of Hindustan (Из пещер и дебрей Индостана) originally published in Russian magazine “Russky Vestnik” («Русский Вестник», Russian Messenger) in 1883 and was issued in a separate book in 1912 in Saint-Petersburg. Recently it was published in 1994, 2001 and 2008 by different publishing houses.
There are more than dozen H.P.Blavatsky's biographies were translated into Russian and published. Those written by Constance Wachtmeister, Sylvia Cranston, Murphy Howard are among them. The biographies by V.P.Zhelihovskaya and H.F.Pisareva were written in Russian originally, they published as well. The modern authors made their contribution also:
- Kim Kiuru – HPB (Ким Киуру. «Е.П.Б.») published in 2010 by Belovodie Publishing House (издательство «Беловодье»)
- O.G.Boldyrev – Blavatsky. Shambhala messanger (О.Г.Болдырев, «Блаватская – вестница Шамбалы») published in 2013 by Veche Publishing House (издательство «Вече»)
Except literature Elena Petrovna's name became constant to sound at various conferences (not only theosophical). There are also works devoted to H.P.Blavatsky in poetry and fine arts. Moscow Theosophical Society issued the poetry collection book “Helena Petrovna Blavatsky's Memories”.
There are several communities in every large Russian-speaking social network in Internet devoted to H.P.Blavatsky. Almost each large web-site of the mystical and/or educational content has the page devoted to her. There are some resources:
- http://www.theosophy.ru/hpb.htm
- http://www.theosophist.ru
- http://ru.teopedia.org/hpb/
- http://hpblavatsky.ru
- http://www.lomonosov.org/section/epblavatskaya.htm
All her works can be read and purchased on-line or downloaded for free.
Numerous groups of researchers continue work on studying H.P.Blavatsky's heritage. They make an effort to restore the interest to her works in Russia and show the meaning of HPB activity in true light. The following are some of them, which currently continue their activity (in chronological order of their appearance):
- International Centre of the Roerichs (Международный Центр Рерихов) founded in 1989, http://en.icr.su/, and other Roerich organizations
- Scientific Philosophical Society “Peace via culture” (Научно-философское общество "Мир через культуру") founded in 1991 by V.M.Sidorov, http://nfo-mir.com
- Public organization “H.P.Blavatsky Russian Esoteric School of Theosophy” (Русская эзотерическая школа теософии имени Е.П.Блаватской) founded in 1993 by V.A.Bakanov, http://resht.ru
- Nonprofit organization “Charity foundation of preservation and development of cultural values “Delphis” (Некоммерческая организация "Благотворительный фонд сохранения и развития культурных ценностей "Дельфис") founded in 1997, http://delphis.ru
- Moscow Theosophical Society
- Internet project “Teopedia” (Теопедия) founded in 2007 by P.N.Malakhov, http://teopedia.org/
- Logaeva's Theosophical Group (Теософская группа Логаевой) founded in 2010 by H.A.Logaeva, http://www.theosophist.ru/
- TS in Russia has 7 branches, the first was founded in 2011 in Moscow. The TS branch in Kemerovo named “H.P.Blavatsky Lodge”.
There are some H.P.Blavatsky's books translated into Serbian by "Metaphysica" Publishing House in Belgrade:
- The Secret Doctrine (Tajna doktrina I-III. Kosmogeneza, Antropogeza, Okultizam. Metaphysica, Beograd 2007).
- The Key to Theosophy (Ključ teozofije. Metaphysica, Beograd 2006).
Some talks and lectures the Singapore Lodge of TS organize are devoted to H.P.Blavatsky.
There are 3 HPB's books were translated into Slovenian language:
- The Voice of the Silence
- The Key to Theosophy
- The Stanzas of Dzyan
There are some books of H.P.Blavatsky translated into Swedish:
- The Secret Doctrine (Den Hemliga Läran), translated by F. Kellberg in 1898
- The Key to Theosophy (Nyckel till Teosofin), translated by Barbro Melander and Märta Wiklund
- The Voice of the Silence (Tystnadens röst), translated by Carin Scholander
- Practical Occultism (Praktisk Ockultism), translated by Ingeborg Schönmeyr
H.P. Blavatsky’s books are studied very well in Sweden. There is a study group of “The Secret Doctrine” for 40 years. “The Voice of the Silence” is very popular.
All Ukrainian theosophists study H.P.Blavatsky's works. Being born on the south of modern Ukraine in Dnepropetrovsk city (former Ekaterinoslav) Helena Petrovna is deeply esteemed by the compatriots for her broad enlightenment work which she conducted worldwide.
The house where she has born is under government protection and has a status of museum. There are annual meetings of adherents in there since 1991. In 2011 these meetings are transformed into scientific readings, which have a goal to study the heritage of the outstanding compatriot, the researcher, the philosopher and the writer and also to study a scientific and creative heritage of her family members. Currently the museum is under construction.
The Voice of the Silence (Голос Безмовностi) was translated in 2010 by H.Gordienko.
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Ukrainian sculptor Alexey Leonov modeled H.P.Blavatsky's head and sculpture named "19 centure Sphynx":
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Uruguayans read H.P.Blavatsky's works in Spanish. The most popular is The Secret Doctrine and The Voice of the Silence.
The works of H.P. Blavatsky are still popular among the general public in the USA and members of the Theosophical Society in the USA. The most popular of her works is “The Secret Doctrine” followed by “Isis Unveiled”.
Theosophical Publishing House Quest Books,(Wheaton, Illinois, http://www.questbooks.net) publishes:
- "Collected Writings of H.P.Blavatsky", 15 volumes
- "The Letters of H.P. Blavatsky", 1-st volume
- numerous other HPB's works and other theosophical books in text, audio and video.
The following Internet sites are devoted to H.P. Blavatsky:
There are many links to the Internet resources devoted to H.P.Blavatsky on Blavatsky Archives web-page
There is the TS branch “The Miami-Dade Blavatsky Lodge” located in Florida.
White Dog Cafe in Philadelphia is named after an incident in the life of H. P. Blavatsky. The cafe is located in the building where HPB staid for a while. She had injured a leg at that time and cured it by having a white dog lay on it.
In Zambia, in the 1980s efforts were made to translate some H.P. Blavatsky's works into a local language Bemba. One such was “The Key to Theosophy” but somewhere along the way this work was not continued. So theosophists in Zambia read HPB in English.
Mufulira and Kitwe Lodges have copies of the six Volume of the Secret Doctrine. Senior, serious students keenly study and share with others on excerpt from “The Secret Doctrine”, “Isis Unveiled” and “Practical Occultism”.
Internet resources
H.P.Blavatsky's works can be bought read or downloaded on several languages:
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Russian |
See also
- This article in Russian