General Council of the Theosophical Society

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The General Council is the governing body of the Theosophical Society based in Adyar, Chennai, India, which meets annually in late December and at other times when special sessions are needed.

This is the governing body of the Society, which meets in regular and special sessions to deliberate matters concerning the welfare and progress of the Society all over the world. It is composed of the President, as Chairman, the Vice-President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and the General Secretaries [Presidents] of the various Sections. Also the General Council includes not less than five and not more than twelve additional members, among whom all past Presidents in good standing automatically have place. Others are nominated by the President and elected for a term of three years by vote of the Council at its Annual Meeting.[1]

2000 GC meeting. Photo by Adele Algeo.


  1. "Ann Wylie Elected to General Council," The American Theosophist 56.2 (February 1968), 41.