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A blessing is a power or energy transferred by one who blesses to one who is blessed.

Jinarājadāsa commentary

C. Jinarajadasa wrote about the concept of blessing as it was used in the second letter from Master Koot Hoomi to C. W. Leadbeater:

The word "blessing" today has lost its pristine significance, and in a phrase like "your father sends you his blessing", little more is understood than a wish of goodwill and affection. But there is something far more than that in a real blessing. A blessing is a power transferred by him who blesses to him who is blessed, an energy which is incorporated into the receiver's nature to purify and strengthen him. Every one of us has such a power which we can pass onto another. It is evident that the mount, quality and intensity of that power depends upon the stage of spirituality and evolution of the giver of the blessing.

More wonderful is the fact that the more blessings we give the more the power to bless increases in us. For what we give to another with our soul – the only true blessing – is not ours; we, as we give, the channel of a greater Giver, for "every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of Lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning." In this process of conveying "from Above," there are stages, just as there are "steps" when an electric current of tens of thousands of volts is "stepped down" to a voltage of two hundred and twenty or one hundred and ten for house usage.

The great Lord Gautama Buddha, the Tathagata, possessed of a spiritual greatness beyond our earthly conceptions, had when on earth a Blessing to give, whose power for good we can but dimly understand. But after He "entered Nirvana" that Blessing cannot come down to earth except through those who are linked to Him on that plane. These souls are His disciples, who "live and move and have their being" in Him. Being such a disciple of the Lord, the aster K. H. has the privilege of giving "the Blessing of the Lord", that is to say, of charging the recipient with the Lord's Blessing. He used this power as he says to Mr. Leadbeater, "May the blessing our Lord shield you from every evil in your new life."[1]

Blessings in Buddhism

Blessings in Judaism

Blessings in Christianity


  1. Curuppumullage Jinarājadāsa, The "K. H." Letters to C. W. Leadbeater (Adyar, Madras, India: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1980), 63-64.