Blavatsky resources
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These are written, Web-based, and audiovisual resources specifically intended for the study of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, her life and work. Theosophy resources are listed on their own page.
- Barborka, Geoffrey A. H.P. Blavatsky, Tibet and Tulku. A scholarly study of HPB's use of siddhis taught by her Tibetan masters. Review at [1]
- Bilimoria, Edi. H. P. Blavatsky – A Spiritual Floodlight". Blavatsky Trust. [2] Excellent analysis of the impact of HPB's teachings.
- Caldwell, Daniel (comp.), The Esoteric World of Madame Blavatsky: Insights into the Life of a Modern Sphinx. Wheaton, IL: Quest Books, 2000.
- Cranston, Sylvia, H.P.B. The Extraordinary Life & Influence of Helena Blavatsky Founder of the Modern Theosophical Movement. New York: Tarcher/Putnam Book, 1993.
- Fuller, J. Overton Fuller. Blavatsky and Her Teachers. A modern biography defending H.P.B. against her detractors.
- Kingsland, William. The Real H. P. Blavatsky. 1928. One of the best biographies, written by a man who knew and worked with her, this is a frank account of her work on behalf of humanity, and the obstacles against which she fought.
- Wachtmeister, Constance. Reminiscences of H.P.B. and the S.D. Account of HPB when she was writing The Secret Doctrine.
- Wilson, Ian. The Life of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. London: Blavatsky Trust, 1992. Available at [3] Article accompanying video of the same name.
Study courses
Study Course on the Secret Doctrine by Pablo Sender and Juliana Cesano.
Audiovisual materials
- The Life of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. London: Blavatsky Trust, 1992. Videorecording. Available from Blavatsky Trust.
Web pages
- Blavatsky trust
- Blavatsky Study Center - Vast resources compiled by Daniel Caldwell
- Blavatsky Archives - transcripts of rare documents
- Study guides
- recommended readings
- controversies
- online books
- photo gallery
- links to periodicals The Theosophist and Lucifer
- links
- Theosophy Net - from Theosophy Foundation of Georgia, Estela Carson, editor and Theosophy Net Foundation, Reed Carson, editor
- chronology of HPB’s life
- free course based on quotes from HPB and William Quan Judge
- principles of Theosophy
- links to HPB’s books and articles
- newsletters
- Blavatsky Cardiff
- accounts of HPB's life
- background information
- Winifred A. Parley, A Blavatsky Quotation Book Being an Extract for Each Day of the Year at Canadian Theosophical Association web page
- "Helena Petrovna Blavatsky" Wikiquote
- "Pick a Blavatsky Quote"
- "Blavatsky Tributes" at Philaletheians web page.