As for Svâbhâvat, the Orientalists explain the term as meaning the Universal plastic matter diffused through Space, with, perhaps, half an eye to the Ether of Science. But the Occultists identify it with “FATHER-MOTHER” on the mystic plane.[1]
The “Father” in this verse means the Svabhavat, Father-Mother. The Svabhavat of the Buddhists, the Father-Mother (a compound word) of The Secret Doctrine and the Mûlaprakriti of the Vedântins.
Svabhâvat (Sk.). Explained by the Orientalists as “plastic substance”, which is an inadequate definition. Svabhâvat is the world substance and stuff, or rather that which is behind it-the spirit and essence of substance. The name comes from Subhâva and is composed of three words--su, good, perfect, fair, handsome; sva, self; and bhâva being, or state of being. From it all nature proceeds and into it all returns at the end of the life-cycles. In Esotericism it is called “Father-Mother”. It is the plastic essence of matter.[2]
Further reading
- Svabhavat at Theosopedia