Joe's Sandbox

From Theosophy Wiki
Revision as of 21:53, 30 June 2014 by Joe Hasiewicz (talk | contribs)
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Sunday, September 22, 2024 {{#random:Random quote of the day:


$wgRandomInclude['pattern'] = '----'; // default pattern to use as boundary between items (use '----' to get previous behaviour) $wgRandomInclude['separator'] = ; // default separator rendered between items $wgRandomInclude['count'] = 1; // default number of items $wgRandomInclude['limit'] = 20; // default limit on runaway loop $wgRandomInclude['seed'] = none; // default seed value $wgRandomInclude['hash'] = none; // default hash value $wgRandomInclude['period'] = none; // default period as minute, hour, day, week or seconds (integer) $wgRandomInclude['mode'] = ?; // default mode is none or ordered depending on count $wgRandomInclude['cache'] = 'enabled';// default cache strategy, set to 'disable' to do no caching $wgRandomInclude['format'] = 'none'; // default format string, set to 'none' to do no formatting of output


Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Actions speak louder than words.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Wikitext can be used here.


Hello TS Wiki from Joe

We are using the name Theosophical Society in the broadest sense possible. All groups and individuals who respect the work of TS Founder Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and her associates are invited to participate in building this wiki into a base of research for serious students everywhere. Our aim is to provide a platform for people interested in Theosophy to collaborate in assembling information that is accurate, well-documented, and helpful. If you want to contribute creating articles or editing the existing ones contact the administrators to become a TSWiki editor. Please see the Community Portal for more information, and our video, "Introducing the Theosophical Society Wiki".

This Web site is made possible by generous grants from The Kern Foundation.

Mahatma Letters Portal
KH Signature.jpg


The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett are a major source of knowledge about the Ancient Wisdom, Theosophy. Images of the letters with transcriptions and commentaries are available in the original Barker numbering scheme or in Chronological numbering.

This link will take you to Mahatma Letter No. 1.

Blavatsky Portal

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was co-founder of the Theosophical Society in 1875 with Henry Steel Olcott, William Quan Judge, and others. They brought the ancient teachings called Theosophy to the modern world.

Categories in the TS Wiki

Categories in the TS Wiki help to group together people, places, and concepts that have some common characteristic. These are the major groups of categories:


Other Categories:

This Day in Theosophical History

TS Wiki has a page for each day of the year, which can be easily located in this Calendar. As we accumulate more dates of births, deaths, events, and holidays, we will build a feature that displays these occurrences for This Day in History.