Light (periodical)

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Light, subtitled "A Journal devoted to the Highest Interests of Humanity, both Here and Hereafter," was published by the London Spiritualist Alliance beginning in 1881. William Eglinton and other early London Theosophists were frequently mentioned in early issues. Publication was taken over in 1884 by the College of Pyschic Studies, founded by William Stainton Moses, and continues to this day:

The College journal appears in July and November. Published without a break since 1881 – a rare distinction – it has remained in the forefront of psychic and spiritual knowledge, reflecting at all times the current work of the College.[1]

Access and availability

The International Association for the Preservation of Spiritualist and Occult Periodicals (IAPSOP) has posted PDF files of many scanned issues for the periodical, available at the IAPSOP website. All pages are indexed and searchable.

Fewer than 40 libraries worldwide have identified this periodical as being in their collections. The Henry S. Olcott Memorial Library has all the volumes from 1881 to 1896, thanks to a donation by John Algeo.

Many articles from Light were reprinted in Psychic Notes, a periodical published in 1882 in Calcutta by Alice Gordon and H. P. Blavatsky. Those articles are indexed in the Union Index of Theosophical Periodicals. The Theosophist and Theosophical History have also reprinted articles.

Some other sources on the Internet:
