Property:HPB Gem source

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This property has type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
[ “Maitrâyana Brâhmana Upanishad”, Sixth Prapâthaka, 3]  +
[ Katha-Upanishad, I, 2:22]  +
[ “Brihadâranyaka Upanishad”, I.2:27]  +
[ “Mundaka Upanishad”, III, 1, 9]  +
[ “Sūtra of the 42 Sections”, 13]  +
[ “Sūtra of the 42 Sections”, section 38]  +
[ Maimonides, “The Guide of the Perplexed”, part 3, ch. 36]  +
[ Maimonides, “The Guide of the Perplexed”, part 3, ch.12]  +
[ Maimonides, “The Guide of the Perplexed”, part 2, ch. 10]  +
[ Maimonides, “The Guide of the Perplexed”, part 3, ch. 25]  +
[ Blaise Pascal, “Pensees”, 347]  +
[ “Oriental Gleanings”, “Lucifer”, № 23, p. 379]  +
[ “Oriental Gleanings”, “Lucifer”, № 23, p. 379]  +
[ “Oriental Gleanings”, “Lucifer”, № 23, p. 379]  +
[ “Oriental Gleanings”, “Lucifer” № 23, p. 380]  +
[ “Oriental Gleanings”, “Lucifer” № 23, p. 380]  +
[ “Oriental Gleanings”, “Lucifer”, № 23, p. 382]  +
[ “Oriental Gleanings”, “Lucifer”, № 23, p. 382]  +
[ “Oriental Gleanings”, “Lucifer” № 23, p. 381]  +
[ “Oriental Gleanings”], “Lucifer”, № 23, p. 379  +