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Be persuaded that those things are not your riches which you do not possess in the penetralia of the reasoning power.  +
Behold, we know not anything;<br> I can but trust that good shall fall<br> At last — far off — at last, to all,<br> And every winter change to spring.<br> <br> So runs my dream: but what am I?<br> An infant crying in the night:<br> An infant crying for the light:<br> And with no language but a cry.  +
Better it would be that a man should eat a lump of flaming iron than that one should break his vows.  +
By a trusty friend is man supported in life, and by reward are friendships increased.  +
By oneself the evil is done, by oneself one suffers; by oneself the evil is left undone, by oneself one is purified.  +
By perfection in study and meditation the Supreme Spirit becomes manifest; study is one eye to behold it, and meditation is the other.  +
By shaking hands with deceit, one is tossed on the billows of toil.  +
By the fall of water-drops the pitcher is gradually filled; this is the cause of wisdom, of virtue, and of wealth.  +
By truth alone is man's mind purified, and by right discipline it doth become inspired.  +
By wisdom is the gift of knowledge displayed; by knowledge are high things obtained.  +
Caution can never incur disgrace; imbecility can never bring honour with it.  +
Craft has the best of men; boldness conquers cities; the first is despised, the last admired.  +
Cut down the whole forest of lust, not the tree. When thou hast cut down every tree and every shrub, then thou wilt be free.  +
Cut out the love of self, like an autumn lotus, with thy hand! Cherish the road of peace.  +
Daily practical wisdom consists of four things: – To know the root of Truth, the branches of Truth, the limit of Truth, and the opposite of Truth.  +
Days end with sunset, nights with the rising of the sun; the end of pleasure is ever grief, the end of grief ever pleasure.  +
Death and generation are both mysteries of nature, and resemble each other; the first does but dissolve those elements the latter had combined.  +
Death has no power th' immortal soul to slay,<br> That, when its present body turns to clay<br> Seeks a fresh home, and with unlessened might<br> Inspires another frame with life and light.<br> So I myself (well I the past recall),<br> When the fierce Greeks begirt Troy's holy wall,<br> Was brave Euphorbus: and in conflict drear<br> Poured forth my blood beneath Atrides' spear.<br> The shield this arm did bear I lately saw<br> In Juno's shrine, a trophy of that war.  +
Death is a black camel that kneels at everybody's door. Death is a friend and a deliverer.  +
Depend not upon external supports, nor beg your tranquillity of another. In a word, never throw away your legs to stand upon crutches.  +