Property:HPB Gem text

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Devotion and clear vision are not his who eats too much, nor his who eats not at all; not his who sleeps too much, nor his who is too awake.  +
Do but return to the principles of wisdom, and those who take you now for a monkey or a wild beast will make a god of you.  +
Do not act as if you had ten thousand years to throw away. Death stands at your elbow. Be good for something, while you live, and it is in your power.  +
Do not let accidents disturb, or outward objects engross your thoughts; but keep your mind quiet and disengaged, to be ready to learn something good.  +
Do not make a wicked man thy companion, or act on the advice of a fool.  +
Do not run riot; keep your intentions honest, and your convictions sure.  +
Do not speak harshly to anybody; those who are so spoken to will answer thee in the same way.  +
Do not suppose you are hurt, and your complaint ceases. Cease your complaint, and you are not hurt.  +
Eat and drink with your friends, but do not trade with them.  +
Empty thy mind of evil, but fill it with good.  +
Endurance is the free companion of Sorrow, and Patience her master.  +
Esteem that to be eminently good, which, when communicated to another, will be increased to yourself.  +
Even a good man sees evil days, as long as his good deeds have not ripened; but when they have ripened, then does the good man see happy days.  +
Even in a forest hermitage, sin prevails over the unholy; the restraint of the senses in one's own house, this is asceticism.  +
Every man contains within himself the potentiality of immortality, equilibrated by the power of choice.  +
Every man thinks his own wisdom faultless, and every mother her own child beautiful.  +
Every time the believer pronounces the word OM, he renews the allegiance to the divine potentiality enshrined within the Soul.  +
Every tree hath its shadow, every sorrow its joy.  +
Excuse is better than disputation; delay is better than rashness; unwillingness of strife is better than eagerness in seeking it.  +
Expel avarice from your heart, so shall you loosen the chains from off your neck.  +