Property:HPB Gem text

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Extensive knowledge and science, well-regulated discipline and well-spoken speech, this is the greatest blessing.  +
Fallen flowers do not return to their stems, nor departed friends to their houses.  +
False friendship is like a parasitic plant, it kills the tree it embraces.  +
Fear is the slave of Pain, and Rebellion her captive.  +
Fear of judgment will deter from wrong, but trifling with it leads to destruction.  +
Flattery is a false coin which circulates only because of our vanity.  +
Foolish pride is an incurable malady; a bad wife is a chronic disease; and a wrathful disposition is a life-long burden.  +
Four things increase by use: health, wealth, perseverance, and credulity.  +
Good men vary. Some are like cocoa-nuts, full of sweet milk; others, like the jujube, externally pleasing.  +
Good people shine from afar like the snowy mountains; bad people are not seen, like arrows shot at night.  +
Great works need no great strength, but perseverance.  +
Grief and wrath, avarice and desire, delusion and laziness, vindictiveness and vanity, envy and hatred, censoriousness and slander – are the twelve sins destructive of man's bliss.  +
Grieve not about thy sustenance; nature will supply it. When a creature is born, the mother's breast supplies milk.  +
Harmony is the law of life, discord its shadow; whence springs suffering, the teacher, the awakener of consciousness.  +
Hatred is never quenched by hatred; hatred ceases by showing love; this is an old rule.  +
Having tasted the sweetness of illusion and tranquillity, one becomes free from fear, and free from sin, drinking in the sweetness of Dharma (law).  +
He is a man who does not turn away from what he has said.  +
He that does a memorable action, and those who report it, are all but short-lived things.  +
He that is so anxious about being talked of when he is dead, does not consider that all who knew him will quickly be gone.  +
He who bestows bounty on mankind, makes of mankind his debtor in a future birth.  +