Bertram Keightley

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Bertram Keightley was an English Theosophist best known for assisting H. P. Blavatsky is preparing The Secret Doctrine for publication.

Mr. Bertram Keightley, one of the General Secretaries of the Indian Section, is an Englishman by birth, son of a Liverpool solicitor, and was born April 4, 1860. He was liberally educated and took the degree of Master of Arts at Trinity College, Cambridge. He came into Theosophy through the study of mesmerism and the reading of Esoteric Buddhism. Early in 1884 he joined the Society, in company with Dr. A. Keightley and Mr. and Mrs. Cooper-Oakley, and during that year he was much with H. P. B. , in England, France, and Germany. In 1887, he joined with Dr. Keightley and the Countess Wachtmeister in organizing the Lansdowne Road household where H. P. B. lived for a long time, and he also assisted in the work of preparing the Secret Doctrine for the press. He visited American in 1890, and later went to India, where he was chosen General Secretary, which office he has since held.[1]


  1. "Some of Our Friends",The Theosophic Messenger 2.2 (November 1900), 27.