American Section
American Section refers to the organization of American Theosophists created on October 30, 1886, at a convention held in Cincinnati, where William Quan Judge was elected as General Secretary and Treasurer.
There were nine Theosophical lodges in various cities througout the United States, seven in the East and mid-Western states, and two on the West coast. The number of branches continued to grow steadily until in the 1895 Convention of the American Section, eighty-three lodges voted for autonomy from the international Theosophical Society (Adyar), with only five lodges retaining their affiliation with the international Society in Adyar. The cesiding lodges reorganized into the first organization called Theosophical Society in America, while the other five lodges formed a new American Section known as the American Theosophical Society.
The same term may apply to the Nacional Section of the Theosophical Society (Adyar) in the United States, known today as Theosophical Society in America (and previously, as the American Theosophical Society).
See Board of Control, etc. in Michael Gomes, "Abner Doubleday and Theosophy in America: 1879-1884," Theosophy Northwest.[1]