Archival collections

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This article identifies archival repositories and collections on Theosophy, the Theosophical Movement, and related topics.

Theosophical organizations with archives

Academic institutions

  • Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois – McCormick Library of Special Collections and University Archives
  • University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois – The Hanna Holborn Gray Special Collections Research Center, Regenstein Library.
  • University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California – Special Research Collections
    • American Religions Collection. Collection Number: ARC Mss 1. Papers of J. Gordon Melton, American religious scholar, author, and encyclopedia editor. Several boxes of unsorted materials from many branches of the Theosophical Movement.
  • Harvard Library Theosophy Collections
    • Blavatsky, H.P. (Helena Petrovna) Letters, 1885-1890
    • Skinner, J. Ralston Papers
    • Rare Books on Theosophy
  • Lomaland Theosophy Collection, Humanities Hub. This collection interfaces with the Kenneth R. Small Lomaland archival collection held in the Department of Special Collections at the San Diego State University Library. The Lomaland collection contains books and periodicals from the Lomaland Theosophy Community in Point Loma, San Diego (1897-1942). The Lomaland Community, founded by Katherine Tingley, was known for its emphasis on the creative arts and education, with its Raja Yoga School its central focus. This growing collection contains a broad range of books and periodicals from Theosophy and writings from the Perennial Wisdom Traditions. Also incorporated are the writings of its key figures, Katherine Tingley and G. de Purucker, and central Lomaland authors Kenneth Morris, Talbot Mundy, Osvald Siren, William E. Gates, and W. Y. Evans-Wentz. >> LIST SUB-COLLECTIONS

Private archives and historical societies

  • Krotona Archive. Joseph E. Ross collected a vast number of letters, documents, artifacts, films, photographs, and audiovisual recordings that he maintains in a private archive.
  • Guide to the Paul Kagan Papers, 1911-1971 Collection MS 3121, California State Historical Society. Paul Kagan collected materials about utopian communities including Krotona, Point Loma, and the Halcyon People's Temple, for his book New World Utopias.

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