Mahatma Letter to A Member - LMW 1 No. 55

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Quick Facts
People involved
Written by: Morya
Received by: unknown member
Sent via: unknown 
Written on: unknown
Received on: around May, 1882
Other dates: unknown
Sent from: unknown
Received at: unknown
Via: unknown

This letter is Letter No. 55 in Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, First Series. Mahatma Morya writes to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky about establishment of a branch at Calcutta.[1] In editions 1945-1974, before the First Series was resequenced in 1988, this was called Letter 42.

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Page 1 transcription, image, and notes

Olcott is right. Our brother — — has done much towards the establishment of the branch at Calcutta, and done it with a whole heart. Yet he has to do something more before he can hope to reap the reward. He has to infuse into the new branch the spirit of independent Theosophical Research, to make the members begin their work as though the Founders were no longer living persons, and the burden of continuing this movement rested entirely upon their shoulders. — — has had a chance. Will he accept this mission?




Context and background

Mr. Jinarajadasa provided these notes about this letter and the next:

The transcription of these two letters was discovered in 1931 in H.P. Blavatsky’s scrap-book, vol. VIII, for the year 1882. In the scrap-book there is pasted a cutting from The Indian Mirror of Calcutta, dated 2 May 1882. There is no mention of the names of the recipients, and therefore it is not now possible to say where the original letters are. But the two letters are embodied in an editorial of the paper, and the editor was the Indian patriot and leader, Norendro Nath Sen, a devoted member of the Society. In printing the letters, he says: ‘We shall, however, take this opportunity to record some more phenomena, which we witnessed while Madame Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott were staying in Calcutta.’[2]

Physical description of letter

The original of this letter is not extant; it is printed in a cutting from The Indian Mirror within HPB's scrapbook volume VIII for the May, 1882.

Publication history

This was first printed by Norendro Nath Sen in The Indian Mirror of Calcutta, dated May 2, 1882. It was not published in the early editions of Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, First Series. It first appeared as Letter 42 in the 1945 edition, and was renamed as Letter 55 when the First Series was resequenced in 1988.

Commentary about this letter

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  1. C. Jinarajadasa, Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, First Series (Adyar, Chennai, India: Theosophical Publishing House, 2011), 118, 170.
  2. C. Jinarajadasa, 170.