Mahatma Letter to Holloway - MHM No. 35

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Quick Facts
People involved
Written by: Koot Hoomi
Received by: Laura C. Holloway
Sent via: unknown 
Written on: unknown
Received on: before 15 October 1884
Other dates: unknown
Sent from: unknown
Received at: London
Via: unknown

This letter is Letter No. 17 in Mrs. Holloway and the Mahatmas. Mahatma Koot Hoomi answers questions from Laura C. Holloway when she is about to return to New York.

Page 1 transcription, image, and notes

[Mrs. Holloway's letter commences:]

Beloved & Revered Master

In view of the present crisis, and desirous of being useful to Madame Blavatsky & the cause of Theosophy, will you consider the following suggestions.

Would it be well to publish a card in the London Times, signed by a number of Theosophists, expressing confidence in Madame В - & to сору same in Light & wherever we could get it used.

[Master K.H. annotated this question with the following:]

“Yes; but get О & В to help draft.

[Mrs. Holloway’s letter continues:]

Will you give us your permission to form a secret occult society – for the general propagation of occult literature, to be disconnected with the Theosophical Society – in which a change of policy has become necessary. It is to consist exclusively of those who possess either psychic or literary powers & who put implicit faith in the Masters, and to consist of members who are, if possible, celibates. This society to devote itself to literature and the development of greater psychic powers in its members and to be wholly secret. To consist, at first of three members – Mohini, L.C.H., Mrs. Gebhard, with Madame B. as an ex-officio member.

[Master K.H. annotated this:]

Will any good come by — writing to Light saying that the new charges brought by Kiddle have been explained satisfactorily to us, but it is not considered advisable to make it public?

[Master K.H. annotated this with:]

No. No

[Mrs. Holloway’s letter goes on:]

It is my plan, with your consent to go home on the 18th after having done what is required to bring out the completed books in London. The Blavatsky book being deferred will you permit me to send that matter from home. My duty calls me there and unless it is ordered otherwise I will make my plans to go. Once there — I might in feeling that I will write a Theosophical novel & that Mohini will there work with me in literary productions. And finally Master, may I ask for the privilege of writing you through Madame, who has kindly consented to help me in so doing?

[Master K.H. answered the question:]

Yes, occasionally.

[Mrs. Holloway ends her letter as follows:]

I ask your blessing. L.C.H.

[On the 4th page is another note by Mrs. Holloway which reads]:

Regarding Madame’s book I will gladly do the work before I go if it is necessary –

[This is then followed by the following note from K.H.:]

Courage & fidelity, truthfulness & sincerity always win our regard. Keep on child, as you have been doing. Fight for the persecuted & the wronged, those who thro’ self-sacrifice have made themselves helpless whether in Europe or China. I will correspond with you thro’ her – but not unless you keep to yourself faithfully the secret. You may show the letters but never reveal the way they come to you. You will have to pledge yourself solemnly to that effect before I begin. Blessings on you, child, & keep off shells.




Context and background

Physical description of letter

Four pages are written in black ink by Laura C. Holloway, with comments added in blue by Master K. H. The location of the original of this letter is in The Winterthur Library, Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera, Materials on Theosophy, in Winterthur, Delaware.

Publication history

This letter was was never published before its inclusion in Mrs. Holloway and the Mahatmas.

Commentary about this letter

Additional resources
