Mahatma Letter to a Group - MHM No. 14

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Quick Facts
People involved
Written by: Koot Hoomi
Received by: a Theosophical group
Sent via: unknown 
Written on: unknown
Received on: 10 August 1884
Other dates: unknown
Sent from: unknown
Received at: Cambridge, England
Via: unknown

This letter is Letter No. 14 in Mrs. Holloway and the Mahatmas. Mahatma Koot Hoomi addresses a group of Theosophists. An account of how this letter arrived was given by Bertram Keightley, with verification by H. P. Blavatsky, Laura C. Holloway, and others.

Page 1 transcription, image, and notes

You came together why should you separate? You are wanted here for a purpose.




Context and background

Bertram Keightley has left an account of how this K.H. letter was received:[1]

Cambridge, August 12, 1884

On Sunday, August 10th, at 2, St. Mary's Passage, at 6.30 p.m., the following occurrence took place: ---

We were sitting around the table having just finished tea, when a note fell bearing the initials of Mahatma K.H. The note was found under Mrs. X.'s [Holloway's] chair, near whom it fell and whom it especially concerned. Something was seen to fall by Mrs. X. and Mohini, and on searching, the following note was found on the floor, where I saw it lying. It was picked up by Mohini.


You came together --- why should you separate before you are all ready. You are all wanted here for a purpose.

(Signed) K.H.'

Mrs. X. [Holloway] and myself had intended leaving Cambridge on the Monday, but in consequence we did not do so.

There were present in the room: Madame Blavatsky, Mr. Finch, Miss Z. [Miss Francesca Arundale], Mrs. Z, Mohini and myself.

I am acquainted with the handwriting of Mr. Sinnett's letters [from Master K.H.] and others having the same initials, and this note was in all respects in the same handwriting.

Further, the paper is unlike any I have ever seen in England."

Bertram Keightley, B.A., Cantab.

"The facts as stated are correct."

Miss Z.
Mrs. X. [Mrs. Holloway]
Mohini M. Chatterji
H. P. Blavatsky

Physical description of letter

The location of the original letter is unknown. The text was copied from an account by Bertram Keightley.

Publication history

This letter was was never published before its inclusion in Mrs. Holloway and the Mahatmas.

Commentary about this letter

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  1. Quoted from an unpublished draft of the First Report of the Committee of the Society for Psychical Research, Appointed to Investigate the Evidence for Marvellous Phenomena offered by Certain Members of the Theosophical Society preserved in the Archives of the Society for Psychical Research.]