Mercury Publishing Company

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Mercury Publishing Company office, August, 1896
Advertisement in 1902 Theosophic Messenger
Cover of Wilson book

The Mercury Publishing Company, also called Mercury Print, was a publishing house that operated in San Francisco. It published the early Theosophical periodical Mercury, of which William John Walters was the editor.

Beginning in 1896 with The Human Aura by Dr. Marques, the company printed books and pamphlets. These are some of the titles produced:

  • Besant, Annie. Proofs of the Existence of the Soul: a Lecture. San Francisco: Mercury Print, year unknown. Pamphlet in "Mercury Series 2."
  • Besant, Annie. Clairvoyance and Mental Healing. San Francisco: Mercury Print, 1897. Pamphlet in "Mercury Series No. 6."
  • Copeland, W. E. '"Funeral Service". San Francisco: Mercury Publishing Co., 1902.[1]
  • Leadbeater, C. W. The Fourth Dimension: A Lecture. San Francisco: Mercury Publishing Co., 1900.
  • Marques, A. The Human Aura . San Francisco: Mercury Publishing Co., 1896. Available online at Internet Archive and Hathitrust.
  • Marques, A. Scientific Corroborations of Theosophy. San Francisco: Mercury Publishing Co., 1897. Dr. Auguste Marques, of the Aloha T.S., wrote a study of the scientific validity of Theosophy, billed as "A vindication of the secret doctrine by the latest discoveries." The fourth edition, published in 1897, stated that it was from a lecture by "A. Marques, D. Sc., President Aloha Branch T.S." and was "Revised, Amplified, and Printed by request of the Chicago Theosophists for White Lotus Day with an introduction by Mrs. Annie Besant." The subheading is "or H.P.B.'s Secret Doctrine Vindicated by the Progress of Science." The fourth edition is available at Hathitust and Google Books.
  • Wachtmeister, Constance, and Kate Buffington Davis, editors. Practical Vegetarian Cookery. San Francisco: Mercury Publishing Co., 1897.
  • Wachtmeister, Constance. Spiritualism in the Light of Theosophy. San Francisco: Mercury Publishing Co., 1897.
  • Wilson, H. Arthur. An Introduction to Theosophy. San Francisco: Mercury Publishing Co., 1897.


  1. "Funeral Service" The Theosophic Messenger 3 no.4 (January, 1902): 52.