Theosophical Order of Service

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The Theosophical Order of Service (TOS) is an international organization founded in February 1908 by Annie Besant, then President of the Theosophical Society (Adyar), with motto:

"A union of those who love in the service of all that suffers"

The TOS offers a framework in which individuals may demonstrate practical and humanitarian actions in a theosophical spirit, whether or not they are members of the Theosophical Society.


Annie Besant, TOS founder. Painting by Dan Doolin.
Order of the Brothers of Service, 1917

The Order of the Brothers of Service

The TOS arose from the Order of the Brothers of Service, organized by Annie Besant in 1917. on May 7, 1917, Vaisakh Full Moon Day, a cornerstone was laid for Suryashrama ("the House of the Sun") in a Masonic ceremony. It which was to be the home of the order. Construction was to proceed the following year, but ultimately the site was used for the cremation of Annie Besant in 1933 and the Garden of Remembrance, built in 1935.[1][2]

Members included B. P. Wadia, George S. Arundale, C. Jinarajadasa and his wife Dorothy, and Fritz Kunz.

TOS in United States

TOS in England

TOS in The Philippines



Additional resources

Official Websites



  1. George S. Arundale, "On the Watch-Tower" The Theosophist 38 no.9 (June, 1917): 237-239.
  2. N. Sri Ram, "The Passing of Annie Besant" World Theosophy 3 no.12 (December, 1933): 370.