Elizabeth Mayer Churchill

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Elizabeth Mayer Churchill was a Theosophist of Point Loma who served as superintendent of the Lotus Circles [a children's group] throughout the world. She married A. G. Spalding and they had two sons.[1] She worked closely with Katherine Tingley in the 1897 Crusade of the Universal Brotherhood and Theosophical Society.[2]

In addition to her work organizing activities for children, she wrote for Theosophical magazines:

  • "The Spiritual Thread in Opera: Faust" Universal Brotherhood Path 14 no.12 (March, 1900): 645-651.


  1. "Memory Gathering for Iverson L. Harris" Eclectic Theosophist no.52 (May 15, 1979): 6-7.
  2. "The Wagner Lectures" Theosophical Forum 3 no.2 (June, 1897): 27-28.