Mahatma Letter to H. S. Olcott - LMW 2 No. 27

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People involved
Written by: Morya
Received by: Henry Steel Olcott
Sent via: unknown 
Written on: unknown
Received on: 11 June 1879
Other dates: unknown
Sent from: unknown
Received at: Bombay
Via: unknown

This is Letter No. 27 in Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, Second Series. In this message Mahatma Morya advises Henry Steel Olcott to adjust his attitude about being in India.[1]

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Page 1 transcription, image, and notes

Colonel H. S. Olcott, Since you have arrived at the conclusion that it was an “act of lunatics” to leave your country and come here in the way you did, presumably upon the representations of Mr. Hurrychund Chintamon and Mooljee Thackersey whereas you know it to be untrue, the sooner we come to an understanding the better for all of us.

To begin with, it was your own most fervent desire to go to India. Mr. Wimbridge and Miss Bates can complain, you cannot. Secondly, once that you had determined to make of India your new home, it was in compliance with the direct orders of our beloved Lord and Chief — him whom you know under the name of S. — and Maha Sahib that you sailed not sooner but later than you ought to.

However, we just as well not talk of that which is done and irreparable. After due consultation we have determined, . . .

We have to regret that instead of fighting your way like a man you invite so cooly the Brother on guard “to starve” with you as gracefully as he can. Do not imagine that which cannot be; do not hope that at the last moment you will be helped. If you are unfit to pass your first probation and assert your rights of a future Adept by forcing circumstances to bow before you—you are as totally unfit for any further trials.

You better avail yourself of our offer. Your wife’s son’s picture will ever draw you back to America.




Context and background

Mr. Jinarājadāsa specified that:

“Maha Sahib,” an appellation given to the Master Serapis, must be distinguished from “Maha Chohan”.[2]

Physical description of letter

The original of this letter is preserved at the Theosophical Society, Adyar, Chennai, India. Mr. Jinarājadāsa commented that although the letter appeared to have been signed by Master M., the neat, legible text seems to have been written by one of his pupils.[3] See also Morya:Writing style.

Publication history

Commentary about this letter

Mr. Jinarājadāsa commented:

Letter 27 was received on June 11, 1879, when evidently prospects looked very gloomy to Colonel Olcott. Six weeks later he received the depressing news from New York that he was cheated out of his $10,000 fee in the "Albany insurance case," and that he would have no share in a silver mine upon which he had calculated.[4]

Additional resources


  1. C. Jinarājadāsa, Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, Second Series (Adyar, Madras,India: Theosophical Publishing House, 1925), 68-69.
  2. C. Jinarājadāsa, 68.
  3. C. Jinarājadāsa, 66.
  4. C. Jinarājadāsa, 67.