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[[File:HP Blavatsky 1.jpg|250px|right|thumb|H. P. Blavatsky in London on [[January 8]], 1889.]]
[[File:J.I.Wedgwood-01.jpg|250px|right|thumb|James Ingall Wedgwood]]
[[File:Borglum_portrait_of_HPB.jpg|300px|right|thumb|[[Gutzon Borglum]] portrait]]
'''James Ingall Wedgwood''' was born at [[May 24]], 1883, London, son of Alfred Allen Wedgwood (1842-1892) and Margaret Rosena Ingall (1854-1922), great great-grandson of the potter Josiah Wedgwood (1730-1795), and the grandson of the spiritualist Hensleigh Wedgwood (1803-1891), and the great nephew of Charles Darwin (1809-1882). He was an prominent English Theosophist in [[Theosophical Society (Adyar)|Theosophical Society]] (Adyar), also the first Presiding Bishop of the [[Liberal Catholic Church]], Freemason, Co-Mason and Martinist. Passed away on [[March 13]], 1951 in Farnham, Surrey, England.
'''Helena Petrovna Blavatsky''' (Russian: Еле́на Петро́вна Блава́тская, Ukrainian: Олена Петрівна Блаватська), was born at Dnepropetrovsk (Ekaterinoslav), Ukraine, on [[August 12]], 1831 (31 July, old style). She was a [[Theosophist]], writer, and traveler.

In 1875 (together with Colonel [[H. S. Olcott]], attorney [[William Quan Judge]] and others) she established the [[Theosophical Society]]. Blavatsky was the main source of [[Theosophy#Modern Theosophy|Theosophical teachings]] and discussed the major themes of Theosophy in many articles and several major works, including [[Isis Unveiled (book)|''Isis Unveiled'']],  [[The Secret Doctrine (book)|''The Secret Doctrine'']],  [[The Key to Theosophy (book)|''The Key to Theosophy'']], and  [[The Voice of the Silence (book)|''The Voice of the Silence'']]. She died in London, on [[May 8]], 1891.
== Personal life ==

Blavatsky was instrumental in bringing the spiritual wisdom of the East and that of the ancient Western mysteries to the modern West, where they were virtually unknown.
Little is know about his early years. The following extracts are quoted from a short autobiography which he wrote for the Adyar Bulletin<ref>Theosophy in New Zealand, December, 1916</ref>:

== Early years ==
<dd><i>"My liking of ceremonial was one of these early interests. One of my earliest recollections is that of standing with my nurse in the old Parish Church at Folkstone and watching a procession. I remember, even now, how stirred I was at the sight of it, and how I questioned my nurse later, when at Bedford, I passed a building bearing the inscription "Freemason's Hall". I had never heard that it was a secret society, there upon made up my mind to join it when I could.
[[File:HPB's house - Ukraine.jpg|250px|left|thumb|[[H. P. Blavatsky House-Museum|H. P. Blavatsky house/museum]] in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine]]
In due course I went to school (I was sent to a boarding school at the early age of five, being, I understand, more than a trifle unmanageable at home!), and on Sundays we went to the usual Anglican Church where there was no ritual worth mentioning. The services tired me, but from the very beginning I was always interested in the organ; and during the Psalms which were specially trying to my patience, I used to count the number of pipes visible in the organ case. Later I had a good deal to do with organ construction. But it was only after coming in touch with Theosophy that I realized that my chief interest in the organ, and music generally, centered round the magical and psychological effect of sound...
Helena Petrovna von Hahn (Russian: Елена Петровна Ган, Ukrainian: Олена Петрівна Ган) was the first child of Colonel Peter Alexeyevich von Hahn (1798-1873) and Helena Andreyevna  Hahn (née de Fadeyev), a well-known social novelist. She was born at Ekaterinoslav in Southern Russia on [[August 12]], 1831 (or [[July 31]] in the Julian Calendar, then current in Russia). Having been born on the seventh month of the year she was called by the servants and locals "the Sedmitchka" (a possible alternate spelling--Sedgmika), an untranslatable term, meaning one connected with number Seven (other pet names she had were "Lelinka" and "Lyolya", the latter being a diminutive of Helena).

Although no official record has ever been produced of the exact time of her birth, it has been determined with sufficient accuracy by astrological rectification, based on various important events in H.P.B.’s life, to have been 1:42 A.M., local time, which, equated for Greenwich, would be 11:22 P.M., on August 11th, 1831.<ref>Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, ''Collected Writings'' vol. I (Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1988), xxvi.</ref>
<dd>"But there was one important element in my childhood. My grandfather, Hensleigh Wedgwood by name, was one of the pioneers of the Spiritualist Alliance, and of the Society for Psychical Research. . .

Helena was born prematurely. As in 1831 Russia was suffering a widespread epidemic of cholera that had raged several members of her parents’ household, there was fear for the infant’s life. An immediate baptism took place, in which a child who fell asleep holding a candle in the first row behind the officiating priest set fire to his robes during the ceremony.
<dd>"My mother was an extremely good clairvoyant (she figures in some of the Myers, Gurney and Podmore books), and knew H. P. Blavatsky. And so, although I knew nothing of Spiritualism or Theosophy, I heard of them, and took a great interest in the little I was told...

Helena had a sister [[Vera Petrovna de Zhelihovsky|Vera Petrovna]] ([[April 29]], 1835 - 1896) and a brother, Leonid (June, 1840 - [[November 9]], 1885).
<dd>"My interest in the organ continued, and I liked to go to churches where there was good music. At about the age of seventeen, I strayed into a ritualistic church at East Clevedon, and heard a sermon which dealt incidentally with bowing the head at the name of Jesus. This interested me, and the Priest gave me a little book which soon turned me into a full-blown High-Churchman . I became a server at the altar and so gained some experience of ecclesiastical ceremonial. I had read a silly Protestant book called "The Secret History of the Oxford Movement", by one Walter Walsh; its effect was to fire me with enthusiasm to join all the supposedly secret societies therein "exposed". Those that I did join I found to be perfectly innocuous and really edifying, like the "Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament."...

According to [[Vera Petrovna de Zhelihovsky|Vera P. de Zhelihovsky]], her mother, at the time, was worried about the destiny of her elder daughter, "gifted from childhood by outstanding features".<ref>Желиховская. Е. П. Блаватская. II. С.246.</ref>  
<dd>"I became sincerely religious, and on that account was greatly troubled because I found that the ceremonial side of the worship appealed to me a great deal more than prayer, etc., which, in my ignorance of "rays" I considered a wrong state of affairs. Gradually I abandoned the idea of being an analytical chemist and thought to enter the Church. My people were at first opposed to this, and I was not sure of my vocation; so I decided to take up the study of music as the most useful preliminary for a Clergyman's work, and, as destiny would have it, I was led to become a pupil of one of the chief authorities on the old Gregorian music or Plainsong."</i></dd></dd>

The first ten years of Helena’s life were spent in frequent changes from one place of residence to another, partly due to the fact that her father’s battery of Horse-Artillery was being transferred from place to place, and partly because of the precarious health of her mother.<ref>Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, ''Collected Writings'' vol. I (Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1988), xxx.</ref>
Wedgwood attended Pretoria House School at Folkestone in Kent, and then went on to his father’s old school, Rugby. After leaving school he studied chemistry at University College, Nottingham, on the advice of the famous chemist, Sir Henry Roscoe (1833 – 1915).
[[File:H.Hahn and H.Blavatsky.jpg|250px|right|thumb|HPB and her mother. H. P. B. museum in Dnepropetrovsk. Painter unknown.]]
Helena’s mother died on [[July 6]], 1842 at the age of 28 of galloping consumption. Before her death, her mother said: "Well! Perhaps it is for the better that I am dying: at least, I will not suffer from seeing Helena’s hard lot! I am quite sure that her destiny will be not womanly, that she will suffer much".<ref>Jelihovsky. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky // Lucifer. C.204; The Theosophist. C. 240</ref> Her father would die was on [[July 27]], 1873, after only three days of illness, while HPB was in New York ready to start her public career.

After her mother’s death, Helena’s grandfather Andrei Mikhailovich and Grandmother Helena Pavlovna (who was an accomplished amateur scientist) took the children to Saratov, where they had quite a different life. Fadeyev’s house was visited by Saratov’s intellectuals.
He was for a time employed as an analytical chemist in York, where he lodged with the Reverend Patrick John Shaw (1869-1952), the newly appointed Rector of All Saints Church, North Street. Wedgwood also studied music at the Nottingham College of Music, and he studied the organ at St Albans, Nottingham under Dr Harold Gibbs (1928-1945). He then spent four years as an articled pupil at York Minister under Dr Tertius Noble (1867-1953).

Helena was clairvoyant from early childhood. In occasions she saw the magestic figure of a Hindu in a white turban who she called her "Protector", since he had saved her in dangers. One of these accidents took place when she was was a young child. Wanting to examine a picture hanging high up on a wall, she piled up a couple of tables and a chair and started climbing. When she reached the painting she lost her balance and remembered nothing else. She then found herself safe on the floor, both tables and the chair standing in their usual places, with the trace of a small hand left on the dusty wall under the picture. Another instance took place when she was 13 years old. She was riding a horse which became frightened and ran away. She fell from her seat, her foot got caught in the stirrup and hung on to it. Instead of being killed she felt someone’s arms around her body supporting her until the horse was stopped.<ref>Helene F. Pissareff, "Helena Petrovna Blavatsky," The Theosophist, 34:4 (January, 1913), 505-506.</ref>
Wedgwood also felt he had a vocation to the priesthood of the Anglican Church, and began theological studies whilst staying with Patrick Shaw despite the opposition of the Wedgwood family.

=== First marriage ===
In 1904, in the midst of his musical and theological studies, Wedgwood attended two lectures by Mrs Besant. He had probably been introduced to Theosophy by his aunts, Effie and Hope, who had joined the Theosophical Society around 1892, having been attracted to it through their father’s spiritualism and by Mrs Besant’s social activism. As a result of his conversion to Theosophy, Wedgwood was obliged to leave the lodgings and his studies because the Rector disapproved of his newly found faith. Wedgwood renounced all thought of a vocation in the Church of England, and devoted himself entirely to the work of the [[Theosophical Society (Adyar)|Theosophical Society]].

The Winter season of 1848-49 was spent at Tiflis in the mansion of the old Princes Chavchavadze. Striving for full independence 16-year old Helena became betrothed to vice-governor of Erevan, Nikifor Vassilyevich Blavatsky, who was about 40 years old. Their wedding ceremony took place on [[July 7]], 1849. In October Helena left her husband and started on horseback for Tiflis to rejoin her relatives.<ref>[http://www.katinkahesselink.net/his/hishpb1.htm# New Light on the First Marriage of HPB] by Marina Cesar Sisson</ref><ref>исьмо А. М. Дондукову-Корсакову от 1 марта 1882 года // Блаватская Е. П. «Письма друзьям и сотрудникам». Сборник. Перев. с англ. — М., 2002. — С. 250 ISBN 5-93975-062-1</ref> Nikifor Blavatsky tried to obtain a divorce on the ground that "his marriage had never been more than a form." His attempt failed, however, owing to the fact Russian law at the time regarded divorce with disfavor.
For some time Wedgwood attended the Sorbonne in Paris, returning to the physics of organ music, for which studies he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Sciences.

It is not certain when Nikifor died. In Helena's scrapbook there is a cutting from a newspaper talking about her life, where we find the sentence: "For many years they [Helena and Nikifor] resided together at Odessa, and finally a legal separation was affected." To this, HPB added two notes. The one commenting on her stay with her husband "for many years" said: "a lie—was with him but for three weeks." To the second phrase: "finally a legal separation was affected" she added "legal, because he died." The name and date of the newspaper do not appear in print, but H.P.B. wrote in ink above the cutting: "From the N. Y. Mercury, Jan. 18, 1875."<ref>Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, ''Collected Writings'' vol. I (Wheaton, Ill: Theosophical Publishing House, 1988), 54.</ref>
== Theosophical Society involvement ==

=== Travels ===
Wedgwood was admitted to the [[Theosophical Society]] in Yorkshire, England on September 7, 1904.  <ref>Theosophical Society General Membership Register, 1875-1942 at [http://tsmembers.org/ http://tsmembers.org/]. See book 3, entry 26458 (website file: 3A/14).</ref>

Shortly after her marriage Mme. Blavatsky began more than 20 years of extensive travel all over the world, which is extremely difficult to trace in any coherent manner. Between 1848 and 1875 she went around the world three times in search of wisdom about the nature of life and the reason for human existence. This brought her into contact with mystic traditions the world over. Since she traveled alone, this period of Blavatsky’s life is difficult for her biographers to document, although she wrote and talked about her adventures in later years. N. A. Fadeyeva reported that only her father knew where his daughter was, and from time to time would send money to her.
In 1926, Wedgwood presented the [[Blavatsky Lectures|Blavatsky Lecture]] on the topic '''[http://resources.theosophical.org/pdf/BL_1926_Wedgwood_The_Distinctive_Contribution_of_Theosophy_to_Christian_Thought.pdf "The Distinctive Contribution of Theosophy to Christian Thought"].'''

A chronological account of her movements is in [[Blavatsky’s travels]].
== Liberal Catholic Church ==

=== Meeting Master Morya ===
== Writings ==

In her Sketchbook, now in the Adyar Archives, Mme. Blavatsky says that she met her Teacher, [[Morya|Master M.]], in the physical body for the first time at Ramsgate, on her twentieth birthday, [[August 12]], 1851. However, she told Countess [[Constance Wachtmeister]] that “Ramsgate” was a blind, and that this took place in Hyde Park, London. She told [[Alfred Percy Sinnett|A. P. Sinnett]] that this was "in the year of the first Nepal Embassy", that is, in 1850.
Bishop Wedgwood wrote several books and numerous articles. The [[Union Index of Theosophical Periodicals]] lists [http://www.austheos.org.au/cgi-bin/ui-csvsearch.pl?search=James+I+Wedgwood&method=exact 14 articles by or about James I. Wedgwood], [http://www.austheos.org.au/cgi-bin/ui-csvsearch.pl?search=JI+Wedgwood&method=all 64 articles under the name JI Wedgwood], and [http://www.austheos.org.au/cgi-bin/ui-csvsearch.pl?search=Bishop+Wedgwood&method=exact 9 under the name Bishop Wedgwood].

It is almost certain that H.P.B. was in London in the Summer of 1854, because she says that she met her Master again "in the house of a stranger in England, where he had come in the company of a dethroned native prince". This was undoubtedly Prince Dhuleep Singh, Mahârâja of Lahore.<ref>Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, ''Collected Writings'' vol. I (Wheaton, Ill: Theosophical Publishing House, 1988), xli.</ref>
== Additional resources ==
* [http://theosophy.ph/encyclo/index.php?title=Wedgwood,_James_Ingall Wedgwood, James Ingall] in Theosopedia.
=== In Tibet ===
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._I._Wedgwood J. I. Wedgwood] in Wikipedia.
* [http://www.thelccusa.org/about/history.html History] in Liberal Catholic Church website.
The subject of Mme. Blavatsky’s stay in Tibet is wrapped in considerable mystery, as she kept the specific information secret. In 1884 she wrote the following:
* [http://www.cwlworld.info/A_Farewell_Note.pdf The Liberal Catholic Tradition: A Farewell Note] by Pedro Oliveira.
* [https://cwleadbeater.wordpress.com/2016/05/28/james-ingall-wedgwood/ James Ingall Wedgwood] in CWLeadbeater.Wordpress.com.
<blockquote>I have lived at different periods in Little Tibet as in Great Tibet, and . . . these combined periods form more than seven years. Yet, I have never stated either verbally or over my signature that I had passed seven consecutive years in a convent. What I have said, and repeat now, is, that I have stopped in Lamaistic convents; that I have visited Tzi-gadze, the Tashi-Lhünpo territory and its neighbourhood, and that I have been further in, and in such places of Tibet as have never been visited by any other European, and that he can ever hope to visit.<ref>Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, ''Collected Writings'' vol. VI (Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1989), 272.</ref></blockquote>
Sometime during 1852 she attempted to get into Tibet through Nepal. This first attempt failed through what she believed to be the opposition of the British Resident. When she tried to cross the Rangit river, she was see and brought her back.<ref>Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, ''Collected Writings'' vol. I (Wheaton, Ill: Theosophical Publishing House, 1988), xl.</ref>
In 1855 she and some friends formed a plan to penetrate Tibet under various disguises. According to Mr. Sinnett, H.P.B. crossed into Tibetan territory, with the help of a Tartar Shaman who was on his way home to Siberia, while the others were prevented from carrying out their plan.<ref>Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, ''Collected Writings'' vol. I (Wheaton, Ill: Theosophical Publishing House, 1988), xlii.</ref>
It is presumed that sometime in 1868 H.P.B. went via India to some parts of Tibet. It is on this journey that she met [[Koot Hoomi|Master K.H.]] for the first time, and lived in the house of his sister at Shigadze.<ref>Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, ''Collected Writings'' vol. I (Wheaton, Ill: Theosophical Publishing House, 1988), xlviii.</ref>
On [[November 11]], 1870, her aunt, Miss [[Nadyezhda Andreyevna de Fadeyev]], received the first known letter from Master K.H. stating that H.P.B. was well and would be back with the family soon.
It is important to bear in mind the term Tibet was then used in a general manner that included not only Tibet proper, but also regions such as Ladakh (then known as Little Tibet).
=== Société Spirite ===
In 1871 Mme. Blavatsky embarked for Egypt from Greece, where she had seen [[Hillarion|Master Hillarion]]. The ship was carrying guns and gunpowder as a protection against pirates and on [[July 4]], 1871, its powder magazine blew up, with a considerable loss of life. H.P.B., however, was uninjured. She eventually reached Alexandria with hardly any means at all. In October or November she went to Cairo where she met [[Emma Coulomb]] (then still Miss Emma Cutting) who was able to loan her some money for the time being.<ref>Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, ''Collected Writings'' vol. I (Wheaton, Ill: Theosophical Publishing House, 1988), xlix.</ref>
It was here that H.P.B. made a first attempt at investigating and explaining the nature of [[phenomena]]. For that purpose, she formed the Société Spirite (“Spiritist Society”) for the investigation of the [[Spiritism]] of the French occultist [[Allan Kardec]]. It would appear that this was done against the advice of Paulos Metamon, a well-known Coptic mystic and occultist with whom she was in touch at the time.<ref>Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, ''Collected Writings'' vol. I (Wheaton, Ill: Theosophical Publishing House, 1988), xlix.</ref> Her sister Vera de Zhelihovsky, who was in correspondence with her during these years, wrote that H.P.B. chose to start in this way “since there was no other [philosophy available]; to give people a chance to see for themselves how mistaken they were. She would first give room to an already established and accepted teaching and then, when the public would see that nothing was coming out of it, she would then offer her own explanations”.<ref>John Algeo (ed.), ''The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky''. (Wheaton: Theosophical Publishing House, 2003), 21.</ref>
However, the Société Spirite failed within a fortnight as Blavatsky could not find honest and qualified mediums to do the kind of research she had envisioned.
== Life in the United States ==
Probably in June, 1873, while in Paris, Mme. Blavatsky received an order from [[Morya|her Master]] to go to New York. She arrived in New York on [[July 7]] and began to work designing illustrated advertising-cards. She also seems to have tried some ornamental leather work, artificial flowers, and cravats.
In July of 1874 Col. [[Henry Steel Olcott|Henry S. Olcott]] became interested in [[Spiritualism]] and decided to investigate and report as a journalist the spiritualistic phenomena taking place at the Eddy farmhouse in Chittenden, Vermont. He went back to New York after a few days and published an account for the New York Sun. On [[September 17]] he returned to Chittenden for further investigation and on [[October 14]], acting on instructions received, HPB joined him, quickly becoming friends.
Through her [[Occultism|occult]] training, Mme. Blavatsky had develop [[Siddhi|psychic abilities]] that allowed her to command the [[elemental]]s (certain invisible powers of nature) through which she could perform many [[phenomena]]. Col. Olcott began to witness some of these abilities and naturally became very interested in this. As she began to instruct him in the [[Occult Science]] and the [[Esoteric Philosophy]], the two started working together in connection with the Spiritualistic movement in the US. During this time, HPB performed at will many phenomena normally ascribed to “the spirits,” and published articles in different spiritualistic journals explaining the origin and nature of these psychic incidents, in ways that contradicted many of the Spiritualists' theories. Most spiritualists were not pleased with HPB’s attempt to reform, sometimes quite radically, their beliefs.
See also: [[Phenomena]]
[[File:HPB citizenship.jpg|160px|right|thumb|Grant of citizenship]]
=== American citizenship ===
[[File:HPB citizenship 1.jpg|200px|left|thumb|Certificate of citizenship]]
On [[September 22]], 1874, Mme. Blavatsky signs a U.S.A. Government application form expressing her intention to become naturalized.
On [[July 8]], 1878, "Helen P. Blavatsky" appeared in the Court of Common Pleas in New York City and completed the process of applying for citizenship in the United States. She was the first Russian woman to be naturalized as an American citizen.
According to [[Boris de Zirkoff]] in 1978, her naturalization papers were in the hands of Geoffrey Watkins<ref>Boris de Zirkoff letter to Dora Kunz. October 17, 1978. Boris de Zirkoff Papers. Records Series 22. Theosophical Society in America Archives.</ref>, who was the son of [[John Watkins]], a personal friend of Blavatsky<ref>[http://www.watkinsbooks.com/shop-history# "History of Watkins"] at WatkinsBooks.com</ref>.
=== Second marriage ===
On [[April 3]], 1875, a few months before founding the [[Theosophical Society]], Mme. Blavatsky married a Georgian importer living in Philadelphia, [[Michael C. Betanelly]]. The wedding was conducted by Rev. William H. Furness at the First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia.<ref>GBC letter to Boris de Zirkoff, dated March 9, 1956. Boris de Zirkoff Papers. Records Series 22. Theosophical Society in America Archives. The church was located at Chestnut and Van Pelt Street, and the pastor described HPB as Russian, aged 36 [she was actually 43] and her husband as Russian, aged 33.</ref> She had agreed to this marriage after her suitor agreed that she could retain her name and independence, and that it was a marriage in name only. Colonel Olcott was astonished at the situation and she later told him that the situation resulted from karmic complications from past lives.<ref>Charles J. Ryan, ''H. P. Blavatsky and the Theosophical Movement'' (Pasadena: Theosophical University Press), 55.</ref> The marriage broke off after several months and Betanelly sued for divorce, which was finally granted on [[May 25]], 1878, with [[William Quan Judge|William Q. Judge]] acting as Blavatsky's counsel.
=== The White Dog ===
[[File:White dog cafe.jpg|right|150px|thumb|White Dog Cafe]]
In 1875 Mme. Blavatsky resided at 3420 Sansom Street, in Philadelphia, PA. During the last days of January she injured her leg and her knee. By the middle of April [[John King]] cured the leg, but the trouble returned owing to lack of rest. By May her leg grew worse, becoming paralyzed and doctors and surgeons said the leg should be amputated. She dismissed their advice saying, "Fancy my father's daughter--on a wooden leg--fancy my leg going in the spirit land before me!"<ref>John Algeo, ''The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky'' Letter No. 47, (Wheaton, IL: The Theosophical Publishing House, 2003), 176-177.</ref>
A message precipitated from John King claimed that he would cure it. On [[June 3]], at midnight, HPB laid cold, pulse-less, and rigid; her injured leg had swollen to twice the natural size and had turned black. Her physician had given her up and her attendants thought her to be dead. However, within a few hours, the swelling subsided and she revived. Her leg was cured after two days of cold ''poultices'' and having a white pup laying at night across it. The story of the white dog has entered into Philadelphia lore with a restaurant called "The White Dog Cafe" located since 1983 in the building where Blavatsky lived.
During that time HPB was very ill and, according to her husband [[Michael C. Betanelly]], she sometimes appeared to be "dead". As it would appear from [[Serapis|Master Serapis]]' letters to [[Henry Steel Olcott|Col. Olcott]] she underwent a serious trial or [[initiation]]. By the end of June, HPB had recovered fully.
=== The Miracle Club ===
While living in New York, Mme. Blavatsky started publishing some articles and letters on [[Spiritualism]], [[Magic]], and [[Occultism]]. According to [[Henry Steel Olcott|Col. Olcott]] this and "the stories that were afloat about her magical powers, and our several affirmations of the existence of non-human races of spiritual beings, drew into our acquaintanceship numbers of bright, clever people of occult leanings".<ref>Henry Steel Olcott, ''Old Diary Leaves'' First Series (Adyar, Madras: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1974), 113-114.</ref> At this time Mme. Blavatsky recorded the following in her scrap-book:
<blockquote>An attempt in consequence of orders received from [[Tuitit Bey|T*** B***]] through P*** personating [[John King]]. Ordered to begin telling the public the truth about the [[phenomena]] and their [[Mediumship|mediums]]. And now my martyrdom will begin! I shall have all the [[Spiritualism|Spiritualists]] against me, in addition to the [[Christianity|Christians]] and the Sceptics. Thy will, oh [[Morya|M.]], be done. H.P.B.<ref>Henry Steel Olcott, ''Old Diary Leaves'' First Series (Adyar, Madras: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1974), 25.</ref></blockquote>
In May 1875 it was decided to form a private investigating committee under the title of the "Miracle Club" where the phenomena of spiritualism would be studied, tested, and demonstrated; "All the manifestations, including materialisations, to occur in the light, and without a cabinet".<ref>Henry Steel Olcott, ''Old Diary Leaves'' First Series (Adyar, Madras: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1974), 25-26.</ref> This attempt, however, failed, mainly because the medium that was to be involved wanted to earn money from this endeavor, something HPB always opposed.
=== Founding of the Theosophical Society ===
In July 1875, HPB wrote in her scrapbook: "Orders received from India direct to establish a philosophico-religious society and choose a name for it, also to choose Olcott."<ref>Daniel H. Caldwell, ''The Esoteric World of Madame Blavatsky'' (Wheaton, Ill., Quest Books, 2001), 71</ref>
On [[September 7]], sixteen or seventeen people joined HPB in her rooms at 46 Irving Place to hear a lecture by [[George H. Felt]] on "The Lost Canon of Proportion of the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans." The talk was enthusiastically received and [[Henry Steel Olcott|H. S. Olcott]] wrote on a slip of paper "Would it not be a good thing to form a society from this kind of study?" He handed it to [[William Quan Judge|W. Q. Judge]] to pass it to HPB, who nodded in assent.<ref>Sylvia Cranston, ''H.P.B. The Extraordinary Life & Influence of Helena Blavatsky'', (New York: Putnam Book, 1993), 143.</ref>
At subsequent meetings bylaws were decided upon and officers were elected, with Col. Olcott as President, [[G. H. Felt]] and Dr. [[Seth Pancoast]] as Vice-Presidents; Madame Blavatsky, Corresponding Secretary; and W. Q. Judge as Counsel to the Society.
On [[November 17]], seventy days after the formation of the Society was proposed, Col. Olcott gave his inaugural address as President-Founder of the newly formed [[Theosophical Society]].
See also [[Founding of the Theosophical Society]].
=== The "Lamasery" ===
[[File:HP Blavatsky 1877.jpg|200px|right|thumb|H. P. Blavatsky around 1876-1877, in New York.]]
Since June 1876 till December 1878 Mme. Blavatsky and [[Henry Steel Olcott|Col. Olcott]] lived in an apartment situated at 302 West 47th Street in New York. Known as [[The Lamasery|the "Lamasery"]], the place became the unofficial headquarters of the newly formed Theosophical Society and a center of attraction for people interested in [[Occultism]], [[Kabbalah]], [[Spiritualism]], Platonism, as well as those curious about [[phenomena]]. Col. Olcott and Mr. Judge were nearly always present, and, after the departure of the visitors would remain far into the night immersed in study and discussion.
See also [[The Lamasery]].
=== ''Isis Unveiled'' ===
H. P. Blavatsky's first major literary effort was [[Isis Unveiled (book)|''Isis Unveiled'']], a critical response to the growing materialism in both scientific and religious institutions. The book was started in 1875, a few months before the formation of the [[Theosophical Society]], although at the time HPB did not know what was to become of the growing pile of manuscripts.
Described as "A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology," the book was published in two volumes on [[September 29]], 1877, quickly becoming a classic in occult literature. Two large editions of this "epoch-making" work were sold immediately, and new editions have been appearing ever since.
On [[December 18]], 1878, five months after being officially naturalized as a U.S. citizen, Mme. Blavatsky (along with [[Henry Steel Olcott|Col. Olcott]], [[Edward Wimbridge]], and [[Rosa Bates]] left for India via England. She would not return to the country again. The party arrived in London on [[January 3]], 1879, and spent two weeks at the house of [[Harry J. Billing|Dr.]] and [[Mary Hollis Billing|Mrs. Billing]]. They sailed for Bombay on [[January 19]].
== Life in India ==
=== Arriving at Bombay ===
Mme. Blavatsky and the party arrived in Bombay on [[February 16]], 1879. In October of this year she started publishing [[The Theosophist (periodical)|The Theosophist]]. On [[December 4]] [[Founders#"The Founders"|the Founders]] visited [[Alfred Percy Sinnett|A. P. Sinnett]], editor of  [[The Pioneer (periodical)|''The Pioneer'']], who would become an important figure in the early [[Theosophical Society]]. A second visit was paid in 1880 where Mme. Blavatsky performed many wonderful [[phenomena]] that Mr. Sinnett described in his book [[The Occult World (book)|''The Occult World'']].
During 1880 Mme. Blavatsky suffered much personal attacks concerning her identity and antecedents. Being Russian and earning money from publication of stories in Russian newspapers, the British government feared she was a Russian spy.
=== Taking Pansil ===
On [[May 25]], 1880, at the invitation of two head Buddhist monks of Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Mme. Blavatsky and a group of [[Theosophist]]s went to the island. Here they "took Pansil", that is, they formally identified themselves with [[Buddhism]] by reciting the Five Precepts at the Vijayananda Temple in Galle.
[[File:Crows Nest Bombay.jpg|380px|right|thumb|Crow's Nest, Bombay]]
=== "Crow's Nest" period ===
By the end of December 1880, after their second visit to the Sinnetts, Mme. Blavatsky and Col. Olcott moved to a spacious house on the hill of Breach Candy, Bombay, nicknamed the "Crow's Nest". This became a great center of Theosophical activity, [[phenomena]], and visitations by the [[Masters of Wisdom]].
In July 1882 Mme. Blavatsky traveled incognito to go into Sikkim. At about thirty miles into Sikkim territory she met physically Masters [[Morya|M.]] and [[Koot Hoomi|K.H.]] with whom she spent two days. The latter, wrote about this in [[Mahatma Letter No. 92#Page 20|one of his letters]]:
<blockquote>I do not believe I was ever so profoundly touched by anything I witnessed in all my life, as I was with the poor old creature’s ecstatic rapture, when meeting us recently both in our natural bodies, one — after three years, the other — nearly two years absence and separation in flesh. Even our phlegmatic M. was thrown off his balance by such an exhibition — of which he was chief hero. He had to use his power, and plunge her into a profound sleep, otherwise she would have burst some blood-vessel including kidneys, liver and her “interiors” — to use our friend [[William Oxley|Oxley’s]] favourite expression — in her delirious attempts to flatten her nose against his riding mantle besmeared with the Sikkim mud! We both laughed; yet could we feel otherwise but touched?<ref>Vicente Hao Chin, Jr., ''The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett in chronological sequence'' No. 92 (Quezon City: Theosophical Publishing House, 1993), ???.</ref></blockquote>
=== Adyar Period ===
On [[April 23]], 1882, [[Founders#"The Founders"|the Founders]] arrived by ship at Madras, where they met [[T. Subba Row]], and others. On [[May 31]] they were taken to see a piece of property as a possible new headquarters for the Theosophical Society. When Mme. Blavatsky saw the Estate she declared "Master wants this purchased".<ref>[http://www.blavatskyarchives.com/chettyodl.htm# Old Diary Leaves] by G. Subbiah Chetty</ref>
On [[December 17]] Mme. Blavatsky and [[Henry Steel Olcott|Col. Olcott]] left Bombay by train heading for Adyar, accompanied by the [[Emma Coulomb|Emma]] and [[Alexis Coulomb]], [[Damodar K. Mavalankar|Damodar]], [[Gwala K. Deb|"Mr. Deb"]], Dora Swami Naidu, and five Hindu servants. They arrived on the [[December 19|19th]], 1882.
In 1883 she passed most of her time editing [[The Theosophist (periodical)|''The Theosophist'']] (which was the main source of Theosophical teachings at the time) and answering correspondence. It also fell to her to take charge of both [[chela]]s and lay chelas.<ref>Josephine Ransom, ''A Short History of The Theosophical Society'' (Adyar, Madras, India: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1989), 178.</ref>
In the second part of the year she spent about three months in the "Blue Mountains" (Nilgiri Hills) investigating the primitive Toda people living there. Her account was eventually published in book form under the title of [[The People of the Blue Mountains (book)|''The People of the Blue Mountains'']].
=== Visiting Europe ===
At a council meeting on [[January 20]], 1884, it was decided that Mme. Blavatsky should accompany [[Henry Steel Olcott|Col. Olcott]] on his trip to Europe, partly for reasons of health. Before leaving the President issued a special order designating some members of the General Council to act as a Board of Control during his absence to take care of the official business.
They left [[Adyar (campus)|Adyar]] and reached Marseilles on [[March 13]]. HPB stayed in France for about three week, mostly in Paris. On [[April 7]], she unexpectedly appeared at the election of officers in the [[London Lodge]].
On [[August 17]] she visited the [[Gebhard Family]] at Elberfeld, Germany. It was here that she heard from [[Damodar K. Mavalankar]] in Adyar about the attack from the Missionaries, incited by [[Emma Coulomb]], accusing HPB of having fraudulent [[phenomena]].
Mme. Blavatsky left for India from Liverpool on [[October 5]], 1884, accompanied by [[Isabelle Cooper-Oakley]] and [[A. J. Cooper-Oakley|her husband]]. They were joined by [[Charles Webster Leadbeater|C. W. Leadbeater]] at Port Said, in north east Egypt. After stopping in Cairo, they went to Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and joined [[Henry Steel Olcott|Col. Olcott]] there. They arrived at [[Adyar (campus)|Adyar]] on [[December 17]], 1884.
=== The Hodgson Report ===
In 1884, while [[Founders#"The Founders"|the Founders]] were in Europe the members of the Board of Control at Adyar could not tolerate [[Emma Coulomb]] any longer. They asked her to leave and she planned to take revenge. She and her husband Alexis went to the missionaries in Madras (now Channai) and organized an attack on Mme. Blavatsky.
When HPB arrived at Madras on [[December 17]] she received a tumultuous reception. She spoke in Pachaiappa's Hall packed with supporters, and declared that [[Emma Coulomb]]'s letters, as they stand, had not been written by her.
The [[Society for Psychical Research]] (S.P.R.) decided to send young [[Richard Hodgson]] to [[Adyar (campus)|Adyar]] to investigate Mme. Blavatsky's [[phenomena]], the production of the [[Mahatma Letters]], and the Coulomb's accusations. He arrived at Adyar in November, 1884, were he was friendly received. However, he began to be deceived by Emma and her husband into believing that she had faked them.
In April 1885 Hodgson returned to London. At the General Meeting of the S.P.R. held on [[June 24]] he presented a 200-page report declaring that Mme. Blavatsky was one of the most gifted, ingenious and interesting impostors in history.
Although her reputation was seriously damaged due to this report, the next years of her life can be regarded as the most productive in her role as a spiritual teacher.
In January 1885, while in [[Adyar (campus)|Adyar]], Mme. Blavatsky's became seriously ill. One night when she was about to die when [[Morya|Master M.]] came and laid his hands upon her to bring her back from death.<ref>Josephine Ransom, ''A Short History of The Theosophical Society'' (Adyar, Madras, India: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1989), 218.</ref> Unable to perform any administrative duties due to her health, on [[March 21]] 1885 she resigned as Corresponding Secretary of the [[Theosophical Society]].
Eventually, partly because of her health and partly to diffuse the effects of the accusations brought by the [[Emma Coulomb|Coulombs]], Mme. Blavatsky was "sent to Europe", in spite of her protests.
That this move had been contemplated by the [[Masters of Wisdom|Masters]] for some time can be ascertained from a letter [[Koot Hoomi|Master K.H.]] wrote to [[Alfred Percy Sinnett|A. P. Sinnett]] in October, 1884. In reference to Mme. Blavatsky, he stated:
<blockquote>She is permitted to retire for three reasons (1) to disconnect the [[Theosophical Society|T.S.]] from her [[phenomena]], now tried to be represented all fraudulent; (2) to help it by removing the chief cause of the hatred against it; (3) to try and restore the health of the body, so it may be used for some years longer.<ref>Vicente Hao Chin, Jr., ''The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett in chronological sequence'' No. 130 (Quezon City: Theosophical Publishing House, 1993), 434.</ref></blockquote>
See also: [[Hodgson Report]]
== Life in Europe ==
On [[March 31]], 1885, [[Helena Petrovna Blavatsky|Mme. Blavatsky]] sailed away from India, never to return. With her went [[Babaji]], [[Franz Hartmann|Dr. Hartmann]], and [[Mary Flynn]] to look after her.
She stayed in Torre del Greco, Italy, for about three months and in August then decided to go to Wurzburg, near Munich, Germany. With the regaining of her health she started to become involved in the administration of the TS in Europe and she started working in a systematic way on her next book, [[The Secret Doctrine (book)|''The Secret Doctrine'']].
=== ''The Secret Doctrine'' ===
In May 1879, soon after moving to India, Mme. Blavatsky started designing a new book on [[Theosophy]] that would eventually become [[The Secret Doctrine (book)|''The Secret Doctrine'']].
In January 1884 the Supplement to [[The Theosophist (periodical)|''The Theosophist'']] published an advertising announcing that "a New Version of [[Isis Unveiled (book)|''Isis Unveiled'']]", which was to be published in monthly. Although Mme. Blavatsky had some written material to start the monthly installments, this never came to fruition in the way planned, due to ill-health, her travel to Europe, and the [[Hodgson_Report#Coulomb_affair|Coulomb affair]].
In the fall of 1885, a few months after HPB moved to Wurzburg, Germany, she started working steadily on its writing. The [[Constance Wachtmeister|Countess Wachtmeister]] moved with HPB to help her in this endeavor. As the writing of the book developed with the help of Masters [[Morya|M.]] and [[Koot Hoomi|K.H.]], HPB realized it was much more than a rewriting of ''Isis Unveiled''. In a letter to [[Alfred Percy Sinnett|A. P. Sinnett]] she said she felt that this could vindicate the [[Theosophical Society]] after the unfavorable [[Hodgson Report|Report]] that Hodgson made.<ref>A. Trevor Barker, ''The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett'' Letter No. CXVI, (Pasadena, CA: Theosophical University Press, 1973), 79.</ref>
In the spring of 1886 she sent a preliminary manuscript of the first volume to Adyar, where [[T. Subba Row]] was supposed to read it and contribute in what had to do with [[Hinduism|Hindu philosophy]]. However, he refused to do so. HPB moved to Ostende, Belgium, where she continued working on the book.
The First Volume of ''The Secret Doctrine'' came off the Press on [[October 20]], 1888, while the Second Volume was out towards the end of the year.
=== Bright's disease ===
[[File:HPB reading book JPEG.jpg|160px|left|thumb|HPB reading in London, in 1887.]]
By the end of March 1887 she fell gravely ill with a kidney infection. She was not expected to live. [[Morya|Master M.]] came at night and asked her if she wanted to be freed from the body or live, amidst much suffering, finish ''The Secret Doctrine'' and do some more work for [[Theosophy]] in Europe. She agreed on finishing the book. On [[May 1]], 1887, at the invitation of [[Archibald Keightley|Archibald]] and [[Bertram Keightley]] she moved to London. She settled with a few devoted friends in Lansdowne Road, Notting Hill, in September 1887.<ref>''The Vahan''. January 1, 1891.</ref> A group of earnest students took care of her and helped her finish and publish her book.
=== Blavatsky Lodge ===
Soon after Mme. Blavatsky arrived in London the group of student that had gathered around her convinced her of the need to form a TS Lodge. This was done, and they called it "[[Blavatsky Lodge|The Blavatsky Lodge of the Theosophical Society]]". In addition, they decided to form a Theosophical Publishing Company and start a Theosophical journal they daringly called [[Lucifer (periodical)|Lucifer]], with HPB and Mabel Collins as editors. HPB wrote many articles for this.
After the publishing of [[The Secret Doctrine (book)|''The Secret Doctrine'']] the Lodge met regularly to discuss with HPB any obscure points they found in its first volume. The dialogues they held were partially published under the title [http://www.phx-ult-lodge.org/Transactions.htm# ''Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge''] and later a complete version was published as [https://www.hightail.com/download/bWJvY05rdGpubVhvS3NUQw# ''The Secret Doctrine Commentaries'']. In these meetings the content of another important book by HPB, [[The Key to Theosophy (book)|''The Key to Theosophy'']] was also discussed before its publication.
=== Esoteric Section ===
[[File:Blavatsky Olcott.jpg|300px|right|thumb|Last photo of Mme. Blavatsky and Col. Olcott together, taken in London, Oct. 1888]]
On [[October 9]], 1888, as a response to the demand by many earnest members to have esoteric teachings given by H. P. Blavatsky, [[Henry Steel Olcott|Col. Olcott]] agreed to form the "[[Esoteric Section|Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society]]" with Mme. Blavatsky as its responsible head.
In August 1890 she formed an [[Esoteric_Section#Inner_Group|"Inner Group"]] of this Section mainly with some of her students living in London at the time. The group held its meetings weekly in HPB's place, at 19 Avenue Rd, in a room specially built for it. Participants would ask questions in regards to the [[Esoteric Philosophy]] or the spiritual practice and HPB would answer.
=== ''The Voice of the Silence'' ===
In July, 1889, Mme. Blavatsky went to Fontainebleau, France, for a few week's rest. There she wrote most of the material that would turn into the mystical Theosophical work known as [[The Voice of the Silence (book)|''The Voice of the Silence'']]. This book is a translation of three treatises contained in a secret work, ''[[The Book of the Golden Precepts]]'', which she had learned by heart during her training in Tibet.
During this time HPB received a visit from the newly joined [[Herbert Burrows]] and [[Annie Besant]]. In regards to the writing of this book, Mrs. Besant said:
<blockquote>She wrote it swiftly, without any material copy before her.  I sat in the room while she was writing it.  I know that she did not write it referring to any books, but she wrote it down steadily, hour after hour, exactly as though she were writing either from memory or from reading it where no book was and in the evening made me read it aloud to see if the 'English was decent.' Herbert Burrows was there, and Mrs. Candler, a staunch American Theosophist, and we sat round HPB while I read.  The translation was in perfect and beautiful English, flowing and musical; only a word or two could we find to alter, and she looked at us like a startled child, wondering at our praises—praise that any one with the literary sense would endorse if they read that exquisite prose poem.<ref>Annie Besant, ''The Masters'', (Adyar, Madras: The Theosophical Press, 1977), 32-33.</ref></blockquote>
== Other writings ==
There exists no definite evidence that Mme. Blavatsky had ever published any articles, essays or letters to Editors prior to October, 1874, although there are statements that seem to indicate that her literary work began much earlier in life. Besides the books she wrote, for much of her adult life HPB supported herself by writing travelogues and stories for Russian periodicals.
For a list of her books and other writings, see [[Blavatsky writings]].
[[File:HPB death mask.jpg|right|200px|thumb|Death mask of HPB, from ''The Theosophist'', May 1991]]
== Death ==
In April, 1891, a very serious epidemic of influenza struck London. Practically the entire staff at 19 Avenue Rd. was affected, with three of them being at death's door. On [[April 25]]th, H.P.B. had a very high fever. On the [[April 30|30th]], she developed an abscess in her throat, and then another on the bronchial tubes, and became progressively weaker. On [[May 6]] she somewhat improved and managed to walk into her sitting room, although she said she felt she was dying. However, on [[May 8]], at 11 a.m., H.P.B. grew worse. Seated in her chair, she passed away at 2:25 p.m., GMT, surrounded by [[Laura M. Cooper|Miss Laura Cooper]], [[Claude Falls Wright]], [[Walter Gorn Old]], and Miss Black, the nurse.<ref>Daniel H. Caldwell, ''The Esoteric World of Madame Blavatsky: Insights into the Life of a Modern Sphinx'' (Wheaton:Quest Books, 2001), 396-397.</ref>  The Countess [[Constance Wachtmeister]] and [[Isabel Cooper-Oakley]] arrived just after she passed. Miss Cooper left a detailed account of the event.<ref>Laura M. Cooper, "How She Left Us," ''H.P.B.: In Memory of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky'' (London: Theosophical Publishing Society, 1891), 3-7.</ref>
H.P.B. had left instructions that "no parade or show of any kind should be made over her body."<ref>G. R. S. Mead,"The Cremation," ''H.P.B.: In Memory of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky'' (London: Theosophical Publishing Society, 1891), 7.</ref> Her body was cremated at Woking Crematorium, Surrey, on [[May 11]], 1891. [[G. R. S. Mead]], General Secretary of the European Section and H.P.B.'s private secretary, addressed the small assembly of officers, staff, and friends, and then the ashes were returned to her own rooms.<ref>G. R. S. Mead,"The Cremation," 8-11. Available at [https://archive.org/stream/hpbinmemoryhele00unkngoog/hpbinmemoryhele00unkngoog_djvu.txt Internet Archive.</ref>
Between May 8 and 9 [[Henry Steel Olcott|Col. Olcott]] had three distinct warnings about Mme. Blavatsky's passing. He received a cablegram about the fact on [[May 10]].
On [[July 9]], 1891, the First Annual Convention of the European Branches was held in London. [[William Quan Judge|W. Q. Judge]] offered a resolution for the creation of an "H.P.B. Memorial Fund". Col. Olcott, as Chairman, suggested the partition of H.P.B.'s ashes. Some of the ashes are buried under the Blavatsky and Olcott statues in the [[Adyar (campus)|Adyar headquarters]] that they had established in 1882.
[[File:HPB-HSO statues in Adyar.jpg|280px|right|thumb|Statues of H.P. Blavatsky and H.S. Olcott at Adyar headquarters.]]
== Tributes and memorials ==
Almost every year, the Theosophical Society in England sponsors another in its series of '''[[Blavatsky Lectures]]''', delivered by some of the best speakers in the Theosophical world.
The first '''Blavatsky Lodge''' was in London, but similar names have also been adopted by groups in Sydney, Auckland, Berlin, Brussels, Colombia, Vancouver, Mumbai, Richmond (BC), and at least seven groups in the [[Theosophical Society in America]]. The name '''Blavatsky Hall''' has been used in London, Mumbai, Chennai, Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco. '''Blavatsky Avenue''' is found in Jakarta and in Adyar, Chennai. The '''Blavatsky Study Centre''' is at the [http://tsperth.wikkii.com/wiki/Mt._Helena_Retreat Mt. Helena Retreat] near Perth, Australia.
'''[[H. P. Blavatsky House-Museum]]''' in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine is a museum located in the house in which HPB was born. The '''Blavatsky Study Centre''' is at the [http://tsperth.wikkii.com/wiki/Mt._Helena_Retreat Mt. Helena Retreat] near Perth, Australia.
The '''[[H. P. B. Library]]''' in Canada was founded by [[Alice L. Cleather]], who also helped establish the '''[[Blavatsky Association]]''' that existed from 1923 to 1945.
A brief summary of her continued influence in many countries can be found at '''"[[H.P.Blavatsky's heritage in the modern world]]"'''.
=== Fictional and dramatic accounts ===
Madame Blavatsky continues to fascinate modern writers, and is frequently mentioned in plays, popular fiction, Web-based fan fiction, and blog postings. Here are some examples:
* Serra, Francesca Serra. ''La grande Blavatsky''. 2016. Italian novel.
[[File:Bronze_medallion.jpg|right|230px|thumb|Bronze medallion by William R. O'Donovan]]
== Paintings and sculptures of HPB ==
American sculptor [[William R. O’Donovan]] created a bronze medallion of Madame Blavatsky while the [[Founders]] were still in New York. It appeared as the frontispiece in the first volume of [[Old Diary Leaves (book)|''Old Diary Leaves'']].
== Online resources ==
For online resources of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky's writings see [[Blavatsky writings]].
===Articles and pamphlets===
*[http://theosophy.ph/encyclo/index.php?title=Blavatsky,_Helena_Petrovna# H. P. Blavatsky] in Theosopedia.
*[http://www.theosophical.org/publications/quest-magazine/1492# Blavatsky and Mount Rushmore] by John Algeo
*[http://hpb.narod.ru/HPB_Light_Bringer.htm# H. P. Blavatsky - the Light-Bringer] by Geoffrey A. Barborka
*[http://www.blavatskyarchives.com/dallasblavatsky.htm# HPB - Chronological Review of Events in her Life] published by Blavatsky Study Center
*[http://www.theosophical.ca/adyar_pamphlets/AdyarPamphlet_No157.pdf# The Theosophical Society and H.P.B.] by Annie Besant and H.T. Patterson
*[http://www.blavatskyfoundation.org/carrith1.htm# The Truth About Madame Blavatsky] by Walter A. Carrithers, Jr.
*[http://blavatskyarchives.com/cooperl1891.htm# How She Left Us] by Laura M. Cooper
*[http://www.blavatsky.net/theosophy/judge/articles/esoteric-she.htm# The Esoteric She] by William Q. Judge
*[http://www.blavatsky.net/theosophy/judge/articles/lionhearted-colleague-passes.htm# H.P.B. - A Lion-Hearted Colleague Passes] by William Q. Judge
*[http://www.blavatsky.net/theosophy/judge/articles/hpb-at-enghien.htm# H.P.B. at Enghien] by William Q. Judge
*[http://www.blavatsky.net/theosophy/judge/articles/hpb-not-deserted.htm# H.P.B. Was Not Deserted by the Masters] by William Q. Judge
*[http://www.blavatsky.net/theosophy/judge/articles/yours-till-death-and-after.htm# "Yours Till Death and After, H.P.B."] by William Q. Judge
*[http://www.katinkahesselink.net/his/mead.html# Address Read at the Cremation of HPB's Body] by G. R. S. Mead
*[http://www.blavatskyarchives.com/meadconhpb.htm# Concerning H.P.B. - Stray Thoughts on Theosophy] by G.R.S. Mead
*[http://www.katinkahesselink.net/his/shearman2.html# A Message Ahead of Its Time] by Hugh Shearman
*[http://www.katinkahesselink.net/his/hishpb1.htm# New Light on the First Marriage of HPB] by Marina Cesar Sisson
*[http://www.theosophical.org/publications/quest-magazine/1696# Against Blavatsky: Rene Guenon's Critique of Theosophy] by Richard Smoley
*[http://blavatskytheosophy.com/praise-for-h-p-blavatsky-and-theosophy# Praise for H.P. Blavatsky and Theosophy] at BlavatskyTheosophy.com
*[http://blavatskyarchives.com/theosophypdfs/wachtmeister_reminiscences_of_h__p__blavatsky_1893.pdf# Reminiscences of H.P. Blavatsky and ''The Secret Doctrine''] by Countess Constance Wachtmeister
*[https://www.theosophical.org/files/resources/Downloads/mp3/algeo/The%20Real%20Madame%20Blavatsky.mp3# The Real Madame Blavatsky] by John Algeo
*[https://www.theosophical.org/files/resources/Downloads/mp3/algeo/Olcott%20and%20Blavatsky:%20Theosophical%20Twins.mp3# Olcott and Blavatsky: Theosophical Twins] by John Algeo
*[https://www.theosophical.org/files/resources/Downloads/mp3/bruce/H.%20P.%20Blavatsky%20Remembered:%20White%20Lotus%20Day%20Commemoration.mp3# H. P. Blavatsky Remembered: White Lotus Day Commemoration] by David Bruce
*[https://www.theosophical.org/files/resources/Downloads/mp3/dezirkoff/The%20Life%20of%20HPB.mp3# The Life of HPB] Boris de Zirkoff
*[https://www.theosophical.org/files/resources/Downloads/mp3/hoeller/H.%20P.%20Blavatsky:%20Woman%20of%20Mystery.mp3# H. P. Blavatsky: Woman of Mystery] by Stephan Hoeller
*[http://www.theosophicalinstitute.org/medialibrary/viewtitle.php?titleid=4CF0374D-ADAC-4E43-B5C0-166075160B6F# Blavatsky's Tibet: Sacred Power Places and their Spiritual Mysteries] by Glenn Mullin
===Additional resources===
*[http://www.theosophy-nw.org/theosnw/theos/hpb-selc.htm# H. P. Blavatsky - Theosophical Topics in Depth] Links to articles, letters, and books on and by HPB.
*[http://www.blavatsky.net/gen/refute/refute.htm# Refutation of charges against Madame Blavatsky] at Blavatsky Net.
*[http://www.astro.com/cgi/chart.cgi?wgid=wgeJxNTssKwjAQ_Bpvq2Q3lVbDHiqIHr2I5y2NtbSJ0qSW_r0pgngZhhnmMbVdy2Qax4LG13zo5S0xdDOcbW-9rEhdNnAHJCgAC42gaI85OJ3Z7Q4a6UHBsZNoh9Y_Q0rDtYSvmRWechhBoyKgXBegjNSVF2f5rz3Bb3Xx61TGSEkux2YMMZFl2FRxfqWrLj5Y4mQeYeY1miEw3k4fTvg8TA# H. P. Blavatsky's Natal Chart] at Astrodienst.
* [http://www.khaldea.com/charts/helenapetrovnablavatsky.shtml Helena Petrovna Blavatsky Natal Horoscope] at Khaldea.
*[http://ru.teopedia.org/hpb/%D0%97%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0# Articles, books and quotations from HPB in Russian language] at Теопедия (Teopedia).

== Notes ==
== Notes ==

[[Category:Founders|Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna]]
[[Category:TS Adyar|Wedgwood, James Ingall]]
[[Category:Writers|Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna]]
[[Category:Christian clergy|Wedgwood, James Ingall]]
[[Category:Editors|Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna]]
[[Category:Christians|Wedgwood, James Ingall]]
[[Category:Clairvoyants|Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna]]
[[Category:Writers|Wedgwood, James Ingall]]
[[Category:Received Mahatma Letters|Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna]]
[[Category:Lecturers|Wedgwood, James Ingall]]
[[Category:Chelas|Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna]]
[[Category:Liberal Catholic Church|Wedgwood, James Ingall]]
[[Category:Nationality Russian|Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna]]
[[Category:Co-Masons|Wedgwood, James Ingall]]
[[Category:Nationality Naturalized American|Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna]]
[[Category:Clairvoyants|Wedgwood, James Ingall]]
[[Category:Anti-vivisectionists|Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna]]
[[Category:Musicians|Wedgwood, James Ingall]]
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Latest revision as of 06:34, 18 February 2018

James Ingall Wedgwood

James Ingall Wedgwood was born at May 24, 1883, London, son of Alfred Allen Wedgwood (1842-1892) and Margaret Rosena Ingall (1854-1922), great great-grandson of the potter Josiah Wedgwood (1730-1795), and the grandson of the spiritualist Hensleigh Wedgwood (1803-1891), and the great nephew of Charles Darwin (1809-1882). He was an prominent English Theosophist in Theosophical Society (Adyar), also the first Presiding Bishop of the Liberal Catholic Church, Freemason, Co-Mason and Martinist. Passed away on March 13, 1951 in Farnham, Surrey, England.

Personal life

Little is know about his early years. The following extracts are quoted from a short autobiography which he wrote for the Adyar Bulletin[1]:

"My liking of ceremonial was one of these early interests. One of my earliest recollections is that of standing with my nurse in the old Parish Church at Folkstone and watching a procession. I remember, even now, how stirred I was at the sight of it, and how I questioned my nurse later, when at Bedford, I passed a building bearing the inscription "Freemason's Hall". I had never heard that it was a secret society, there upon made up my mind to join it when I could. In due course I went to school (I was sent to a boarding school at the early age of five, being, I understand, more than a trifle unmanageable at home!), and on Sundays we went to the usual Anglican Church where there was no ritual worth mentioning. The services tired me, but from the very beginning I was always interested in the organ; and during the Psalms which were specially trying to my patience, I used to count the number of pipes visible in the organ case. Later I had a good deal to do with organ construction. But it was only after coming in touch with Theosophy that I realized that my chief interest in the organ, and music generally, centered round the magical and psychological effect of sound...
"But there was one important element in my childhood. My grandfather, Hensleigh Wedgwood by name, was one of the pioneers of the Spiritualist Alliance, and of the Society for Psychical Research. . .
"My mother was an extremely good clairvoyant (she figures in some of the Myers, Gurney and Podmore books), and knew H. P. Blavatsky. And so, although I knew nothing of Spiritualism or Theosophy, I heard of them, and took a great interest in the little I was told...
"My interest in the organ continued, and I liked to go to churches where there was good music. At about the age of seventeen, I strayed into a ritualistic church at East Clevedon, and heard a sermon which dealt incidentally with bowing the head at the name of Jesus. This interested me, and the Priest gave me a little book which soon turned me into a full-blown High-Churchman . I became a server at the altar and so gained some experience of ecclesiastical ceremonial. I had read a silly Protestant book called "The Secret History of the Oxford Movement", by one Walter Walsh; its effect was to fire me with enthusiasm to join all the supposedly secret societies therein "exposed". Those that I did join I found to be perfectly innocuous and really edifying, like the "Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament."...
"I became sincerely religious, and on that account was greatly troubled because I found that the ceremonial side of the worship appealed to me a great deal more than prayer, etc., which, in my ignorance of "rays" I considered a wrong state of affairs. Gradually I abandoned the idea of being an analytical chemist and thought to enter the Church. My people were at first opposed to this, and I was not sure of my vocation; so I decided to take up the study of music as the most useful preliminary for a Clergyman's work, and, as destiny would have it, I was led to become a pupil of one of the chief authorities on the old Gregorian music or Plainsong."

Wedgwood attended Pretoria House School at Folkestone in Kent, and then went on to his father’s old school, Rugby. After leaving school he studied chemistry at University College, Nottingham, on the advice of the famous chemist, Sir Henry Roscoe (1833 – 1915). He was for a time employed as an analytical chemist in York, where he lodged with the Reverend Patrick John Shaw (1869-1952), the newly appointed Rector of All Saints Church, North Street. Wedgwood also studied music at the Nottingham College of Music, and he studied the organ at St Albans, Nottingham under Dr Harold Gibbs (1928-1945). He then spent four years as an articled pupil at York Minister under Dr Tertius Noble (1867-1953). Wedgwood also felt he had a vocation to the priesthood of the Anglican Church, and began theological studies whilst staying with Patrick Shaw despite the opposition of the Wedgwood family. In 1904, in the midst of his musical and theological studies, Wedgwood attended two lectures by Mrs Besant. He had probably been introduced to Theosophy by his aunts, Effie and Hope, who had joined the Theosophical Society around 1892, having been attracted to it through their father’s spiritualism and by Mrs Besant’s social activism. As a result of his conversion to Theosophy, Wedgwood was obliged to leave the lodgings and his studies because the Rector disapproved of his newly found faith. Wedgwood renounced all thought of a vocation in the Church of England, and devoted himself entirely to the work of the Theosophical Society. For some time Wedgwood attended the Sorbonne in Paris, returning to the physics of organ music, for which studies he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Sciences.

Theosophical Society involvement

Wedgwood was admitted to the Theosophical Society in Yorkshire, England on September 7, 1904. [2]

In 1926, Wedgwood presented the Blavatsky Lecture on the topic "The Distinctive Contribution of Theosophy to Christian Thought".

Liberal Catholic Church


Bishop Wedgwood wrote several books and numerous articles. The Union Index of Theosophical Periodicals lists 14 articles by or about James I. Wedgwood, 64 articles under the name JI Wedgwood, and 9 under the name Bishop Wedgwood.

Additional resources


  1. Theosophy in New Zealand, December, 1916
  2. Theosophical Society General Membership Register, 1875-1942 at http://tsmembers.org/. See book 3, entry 26458 (website file: 3A/14).